• [ANSI] Vintage Pi BBS

    From Lloyd Alexandre@1:153/151 to All on Thursday, May 16, 2024 13:55:55
    _ _________ _ ___
    _ ____ _____| | / (_)___ / /___
    __ _____ ____/ __ \(_) / __ )/
    __ ) ___/| | / / / __ \/
    __/ __ `/ __ `/
    _ \ / /_/ / / / __ /
    __ \__ \| |/ / / / / / /
    _/ /_/ / /_/ / __/ /
    ____/ / / /_/ / /_/ /__
    / /|___/_/_/ /_
    /\___/ /_/ /_/ /_____
    ``:: telnet - rlogin - ftp - irc - abandonded war
    e - local msg bases ::''`:fs
    xnet - fidonet - commodore net - pinet - retronet:' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    About::..___________________________ ______________________________________Vintage Pi is
    a personal project I have been working on. It is a Raspberry
    Pi Image in which you can experience Vintage Computing. Within the im
    age youcan connect to BBS's as well as inside some of th
    e emulated systems.Vintage Pi BBS is home base for this
    project. Here you can download theimage download vintage
    software, and participate in the message boardsrelated to
    vintage computing.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _______
    Added three new echo networks, Commodore
    Net, PiNet, and R
    etronet. Thefollowing are the message bases
    you can find in each of the networks.C
    ommodore Net:1 C64
    /128 Discussion2 C64/
    128 Hardware3 C64/
    128 Software4 C64/128
    BBS Programs5 BBS/N
    etwork Ads6 SysOp/
    Test Echo7 Vic20
    Discussion8 Amiga Software
    9 General Discussion10 Am
    iga Discussion11 Amiga H
    ardware12 Amiga BBS Programs
    13 C= Emulation Discussion
    14 C= Buy, Sell &
    Trade15 C= Networkin
    g DiscussionRetroNet
    1 Amiga CNet BBS Conference
    2 Gaming Consoles/Handhelds
    Relate3 Amiga Computer
    s/Software/Hardwar 4
    Old Mainframes Related5
    Mystic BBS Conference6 MS-
    DOS Related7 Emulating R
    etro Systems8 Apple Comput
    9 BBS Advertisements10 Atari
    11 Commodore Computers/Software
    /Har 12 Coleco Adam C
    13 Any Retro PC Related Chat
    14 Sinclair Computers/H
    ardware/Soft15 Retr
    opie16 RetroNet Test E
    cho17 Suggestions For R
    etroNet18 Texas Instruments
    Computers/Hard19 T
    andy/RadioShack Discussion
    20 Synchronet BBS Conference
    21 RetroNet Classifieds2
    2 RetroNet General Chat
    23 RetroNet Administration
    PiNet1 General Chatter
    3 Running BBS On T
    he Pi4 Pi Hardware T
    opics5 Pi Amiga Emu
    lation6 Pi Advertisment ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Vintage Pi BBS vintagepi.asuscomm.com (1:153/151)
  • From Lloyd Alexandre@1:153/151 to All on Saturday, May 25, 2024 01:29:52
    _ _________ _ ____
    ____ _____| | / (_)___ / /____
    _ _____ ____/ __ \(_) / __ )/
    __ ) ___/| | / / / __ \/
    __/ __ `/ __ `/
    _ \ / /_/ / / / __ /
    __ \__ \| |/ / / / / / /
    _/ /_/ / /_/ / __/ /
    ____/ / / /_/ / /_/ /__
    / /|___/_/_/ /_
    /\___/ /_/ /_/ /_____
    ``:: telnet - rlogin - ftp - irc - abandonded war
    e - local msg bases ::''`:fs
    xnet - fidonet - commodore net - pinet - retronet:' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    About::..___________________________ ______________________________________Vintage Pi is
    a personal project I have been working on. It is a Raspberry
    Pi Image in which you can experience Vintage Computing. Within the im
    age youcan connect to BBS's as well as inside some of th
    e emulated systems.Vintage Pi BBS is home base for this
    project. Here you can download theimage download vintage
    software, and participate in the message boards related
    to vintage computing.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ _______
    Added Agoranet to the message bases.. ...
    |\. /\_\___/| |\__/_ /\|\______ \___/|:
    ___ | \_\_____/| /\________\__ |__| _/_____/\_____| _
    / __\__ |__\ \| \\ \ _ |/ _ // |\_
    / _ \\ | _/_/ | /\ \/ _)___ | \//
    | // | \ _ //\| /___| \\_\ __
    ____._\__\______ /__|______._\__|\___ /__ //_. |____ / __\/_________(_____|_____\/___|____\/___________:___\/__(______|__:___\/__ Agoranet is now being resurrected to promote the best and longest lasting
    ANSI art group of all time and make sure a piece of it always remains where
    it started -- in the BBS scene. It has had, and always should have a
    presence. Not only that, but to showcase and link together some of the be stBBSs around today in active messaging.~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: Vintage Pi BBS vintagepi.asuscomm.com (1:153/151)