• New book by Micheal Crichton: The Andromeda Evolution

    From August Abolins@2:460/58 to All on Monday, October 26, 2020 18:41:11
    New book by Micheal Crichton: The Andromeda Evolution

    "In 1967, an extraterrestrial microbe came crashing down to Earth and nearly ended the human race. .."

    "..But the microbe is growing?evolving. And if the Wildfire team can?t reach the quarantine zone, enter the anomaly, and figure out how to stop it, this new Andromeda Evolution will annihilate all life as we know it."

    --- tg2fido gate v0.6.1
    * Origin: Telegram to fido gate by Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/58)
  • From Charles Pierson@2:460/58 to August Abolins on Monday, October 26, 2020 18:55:15
    New book by Micheal Crichton: The Andromeda Evolution

    "In 1967, an extraterrestrial microbe came crashing down to Earth and nearly ended the human race. .."

    "..But the microbe is growing?evolving. And if the Wildfire team can?t reach the quarantine zone, enter the anomaly, and figure out how to stop it, this new Andromeda Evolution will annihilate all life as we know it."


    Did that Daniel B Wilson finish it?

    --- tg2fido gate v0.6.1
    * Origin: Telegram to fido gate by Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/58)
  • From August Abolins@2:460/58 to Charles Pierson on Monday, October 26, 2020 19:02:16
    Did that Daniel B Wilson finish it?

    It's technically a sequel to the Andromeda Strain. I just noticed the small print at the bottom of the cover indicating Wilson. Maybe it a complete work by Wilson (and not something that Crichton had a draft for?) It is a shame that Crichton died so young at 66.

    --- tg2fido gate v0.6.1
    * Origin: Telegram to fido gate by Stas Mishchenkov (2:460/58)
  • From Charles Pierson@2:221/6.21 to August Abolins on Monday, October 26, 2020 11:13:19
    Hello, August Abolins.
    On 10/26/20 7:02 PM you wrote:

    Did that Daniel B Wilson finish it?
    It's technically a sequel to the Andromeda Strain. I just noticed
    the small print at the bottom of the cover indicating Wilson.
    Maybe it a complete work by Wilson (and not something that
    Crichton had a draft for?) It is a shame that Crichton died so
    young at 66.

    I figured that. But the cover is kind of unclear. Normally it would say "based on" or something similar if it was original, Or maybe co-written by if it were unfinished. At least in my experience.

    Best regards!
    Posted using Hotdoged on Android
    --- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android
    * Origin: Houston, Tx (2:221/6.21)
  • From August Abolins@2:221/360 to Charles Pierson on Monday, October 26, 2020 18:25:27
    On 26/10/2020 5:13 a.m., Charles Pierson : August Abolins wrote:

    ..Maybe it a complete work by Wilson
    (and not something that Crichton had a draft for?) It is
    a shame that Crichton died so young at 66.

    I figured that. But the cover is kind of unclear. Normally
    it would say "based on" or something similar if it was
    original, Or maybe co-written by if it were unfinished. At
    least in my experience.

    Further digging into it reveals that "The Andromeda Evolution" is a
    sole work by Wilson designed as a sequel to Crichton's. Still
    sounds interesting though. I remember reading Crichton's original
    story in my teens.

    Another interesting book about pandemics/virus dangers is "A Scent
    of New-Mown Hay" (1958). I discovered that one in my parent's
    library (they subscribed to some mail-order book clubs for a few years).


    --- TB(Stealth)/Win7
    * Origin: nntp://rbb.fidonet.fi - Lake Ylo - Finland (2:221/360.0)