• Applied Behavior Analysis

    From Denis Mosko@2:5064/54.1315 to All on Saturday, September 19, 2020 04:16:52
    The most important thing about ABA is that functional goals, determined by a behavior analyst as well as the family, be implemented in a positive and effective way for the child. At Peace By Piece we use the application of behavior analysis known as the verbal behavior approach. (Click HERE to find out more about "Verbal Behavior") Collecting and analyzing data is imperative in order to accurately measure the child's progress, evaluate the effectiveness of the child's treatment plan, and to identify skills and/or behaviors that need to be taught. There are a variety of data collection methods such as continuous data procedures and time sampling procedures that yield reliable, accurate, and valid data. The staff at Peace By Piece uses a variety of data collection methods to measure progress. B.F. Skinner and others outlined basic principles of behavior, which include reinforcement, prompting, fading, shaping, schedules of reinforcement, etc. These principles comprise the science of behavior analysis. It's important to understand that these principles are the pure science and not the applied science or ABA. This difference is made when any science is studied in both pure and applied ways.

    Applied Behavior Analysis or behavior modification is when the principles of the pure science of behavior analysis are used to teach in any applied setting. This means that the principles used to describe how behavior is lawful, observable and measurable, and has an impact on the environment have been adapted into teaching methods based on those principles.

    The most important thing about ABA is that functional goals, determined by a behavior analyst as well as the family, be implemented in a positive and effective way for the child. At Peace By Piece we use the application of behavior analysis known as the verbal behavior approach. (Click HERE to find out more about "Verbal Behavior") Collecting and analyzing data is imperative in order to accurately measure the child's progress, evaluate the effectiveness of the child's treatment plan, and to identify skills and/or behaviors that need to be taught. There are a variety of data collection methods such as continuous data procedures and time sampling procedures that yield reliable, accurate, and valid data. The staff at Peace By Piece uses a variety of data collection methods to measure progress.

    Effective ABA programming should blend discrete-trial procedures with a variety of other ABA methods. At Peace By Piece the other 75% of direct instruction is centered on the principles of Natural Environment Teaching, Errorless Learning and Verbal Behavior. Our biggest emphasis will ALWAYS be centered on making therapy individualized, enjoyable, functional, and meaningful, while engaging the child in positive social interactions.

    Key Points About ABA

    1)The modifications should be done based on the child and analyzed data.

    2)The child, along with our personal knowledge, tells us what's effective and what's not.

    3)The behavior that's targeted for change is always chosen so that the life of the child will be improved

    4)The science of behavior analysis is solid; it's the applications of it that need adjustment


    --- GoldED+/W32-MINGW 1.1.5-b20120519 (Kubik 3.0)
    * Origin: В начале было слово. В конце будет ориджин. (2:5064/54.1315)
  • From Ardith Hinton@1:153/716 to Denis Mosko on Sunday, September 20, 2020 18:06:37
    Hi, Denis! Recently you wrote in a message to All:

    Our biggest emphasis will ALWAYS be centered on
    making therapy individualized, enjoyable, functional,
    and meaningful, while engaging the child in positive
    social interactions.


    4)The science of behavior analysis is solid; it's
    the applications of it that need adjustment


    We may know (or think we know) exactly what is going on in somebody's mind from formal research involving considerable numbers of e.g. pigeons, rats, or human beings. But if we intend to make learning "enjoyable, functional, and meaningful" for somebody in particular we need to know more about this person & about the world in which s/he lives. IOW the applications may differ according to the context, as is often the case with "rules" in English.... :-)

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Wits' End, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/716)