• Seagulls

    From Ardith Hinton@1:153/716 to Denis Mosko on Saturday, January 21, 2023 23:12:23
    Hi, Denis! In response to a question you asked elsewhere:

    According to the Oxford & Cambridge dictionaries, a "seagull" may be any kind of gull... including the herring gull which is most common here.

    According to the Audubon Society there's no such thing as a seagull. OTOH I know which dictionary to use when I need information about science, and my GAGE CANADIAN DICTIONARY defines "gull" as:

    any of numerous aquatic birds (family Laridae, especially genus
    Larus) having long wings, webbed feet, a strong slightly hooked
    bill, and mainly white plumage with some grey and black....

    What you most need to know, if you visit our fair city, is that such birds tend to reside near one ocean or another. They can be quite aggressive, especially when it's easier to steal your lunch than to catch live prey. :-))

    --- timEd/386 1.10.y2k+
    * Origin: Wits' End, Vancouver CANADA (1:153/716)