• FidoGazette Vol 15 no 20 Frontpage

    From Janis Kracht@1:261/38 to All on Wednesday, November 10, 2021 12:22:50

    T h e F i d o G a z e t t e Volume 15 Number 20 November 10, 2021
    | .----------------------. | dr.debug: dr.debug @ filegate.net |
    | | A Weekly E-Zine | | bbslist: bbslist @ filegate.net |
    | | published by Fidonet | | articles: fidogazette @ filegate.net|
    | | to promote BBSing | +----------------------------------------+
    | | ____________. | |
    | | / __ |"Anyone who has never made a mistake |
    | | / / \ | has never tried anything new." |
    | | WOOF! ( /|oo \ | Albert Einstein |
    | \_______\(_| /_) | |
    | \@/ \ | Got Something To Say? |
    | .---.\ _ | Say it in the |
    | (jk) _ |usb| \ \\ | =The FidoGazette= |
    | / | .___. \ ))| |
    | / | /_ | / \// | Editor: Janis Kracht |
    | |___| // || _\ / | janis @ filegate . net |
    | .--`-. (_|(_|(____/ | janis kracht 1:261/38 |
    | |____| (jm) | |

    Table Of Contents

    Editorial ...............................2
    EchoMail Statistics .................... 3
    This week's FileGate File Report ....... 4
    Fidonet SoftWare List ................. 5
    FidoGazette BBS List .................. 6
    More Information ....................... 7

    FIDOGAZETTE Vol 15 No 20 November 10, 2021



    Lately the FidoGazette newsletter has been a bit of a mess IMO..

    Well, sometimes the pages wouldn't get created properly,
    sometimes the printed issue would not transfer to the message
    echo correctly... SOMETIMES alphabetical order of listings of
    Echos was messed up.

    I blame it on this new box, FWTW. I keep saying "next week will
    be better" doggonit :)

    I think I've fixed various and sundry bugs so let's see how it
    goes. Unfortunately, I can't see the print run until it prints!

    So here's hoping it works this week :)

    FIDOGAZETTE Vol 15 No 20 Page 2 November 10, 2021


    --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-5
    * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38)