• Cumbre Vieja

    From Björn Felten@2:203/2 to All on Monday, October 11, 2021 11:56:49
    I'm surprised to see how the mainstream media all over the world have missed the opportunity to deflect from the real problems to this decades old theory.


    If I google for "Cumbre Vieja tsunami" (with quote marks) I get 4400 hits. The top hit even to a huge Wikipedia article. On Youtube they try to outdo each other for the most tempting click bait on the subject.

    We surely are living in a strange "news" world nowadays.

    Footnote: According to Wikipedia it seems like this mega tsunami theory originates from a study made by "Ward and Day 2001 estimated that the unstable part of Cumbre Vieja..." 8-)


    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se (2:203/2)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Bjrn Felten on Tuesday, October 12, 2021 21:53:00
    Hello Björn,

    I'm surprised to see how the mainstream media all over the world have missed
    the opportunity to deflect from the real problems to this decades old theory.


    If I google for "Cumbre Vieja tsunami" (with quote marks) I get 4400 hits. The top hit even to a huge Wikipedia article. On Youtube they try to outdo each other for the most tempting click bait on the subject.

    We surely are living in a strange "news" world nowadays.

    Fake news! Fake news! Fake news!

    “The ongoing volcanic activity in the Canary Islands is not posing a
    tsunami risk for the United States or Canada, and the likelihood of it
    posing a future threat is remote,” Susan Buchanan, Director of Public
    Affairs of the National Weather Service told Reuters via email on Sept.

    The U.S. tsunami warning centers “continue to monitor seismic data,
    sea level observations and coastal water level gauges,” she added.

    source: reuters.com

    Don't feel bad. Lots of others have been taken in by this fake news.
    Including followers of The Orange One. However, there is a real event
    that is taking place, as we all sit here thinking of what will come
    our way next.

    The North Pole is moving very fast to Siberia. And it will not stop
    until it reaches Mongolia. Many folks do not realize what will happen
    once it gets there.

    Charles Hapgood tried to warn us with his book "Earth's Shifting
    Crust" - and Albert Einstein said he was right. But nobody wanted
    to believe either of them. Hapgood felt the next North Pole would
    be near Lake Baikal in Siberia, which is located near Mongolia.

    Chan Thomas, author of "The Adam and Eve Story", felt the North
    Pole would be in the Bay of Bengal.

    The Magnetic North Pole is moving in a line towards BOTH these
    two possibiliies - at a rate of almost 0.2 miles per DAY.

    The Magnetic South Pole is also moving towards the Bay of Bengal
    and will most likely converge with the Magnetic North Pole there.

    What this means is that the new North Pole will form west of Peru.

    Gonna be in for some interesting times, with Sweden on the Equator.

    Footnote: According to Wikipedia it seems like this mega tsunami theory originates from a study made by "Ward and Day 2001 estimated that the unstable part of Cumbre Vieja..." 8-)

    Belgians never get the credit they deserve. :)


    Lock him up!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se (2:203/2)