• St.Petersburg

    From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to All on Tuesday, April 05, 2022 13:09:28
    No more contributions from the troll-factory in St.Petersburg?


    --- DB4 - 20220222
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From Björn Felten@2:203/2 to Ward Dossche on Tuesday, April 05, 2022 15:40:11
    No more contributions from the troll-factory in St.Petersburg?

    I hope that you are not missing them? After all, for us in the know, it was like shooting fish in a barrel.

    And I hope that my actions behind the curtains were part of deracinating the vermin from this echo.


    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; sv-SE; rv: Gecko/20101125
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Björn Felten on Tuesday, April 05, 2022 23:48:40
    No more contributions from the troll-factory in St.Petersburg?

    I hope that you are not missing them? After all, for us in the know,
    it was like shooting fish in a barrel.

    Kinda miss it ... after all let's not forget Dossche's Law #17 ...

    "Lying is an ultimate form of free speech"

    ... and we are all for free speech ... right ?

    And I hope that my actions behind the curtains were part of
    deracinating the vermin from this echo.

    Sun Tzu would be of a different opinion ...


    --- DB4 - 20220222
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Ward Dossche on Wednesday, April 06, 2022 08:35:21
    Hi, Ward Dossche!
    I read your message from 05.04.2022 14:09

    WD> No more contributions from the troll-factory in St.Petersburg?
    WD> \%/@rd

    From Moscow with love. :) Should I say that the isolated Russia will
    repeat the path of isolated Germany after WW1 and create a big, powerful industry and military? ;-)

    Bye, Ward!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Wednesday, April 06, 2022 09:29:56
    Hello, alexander!

    Wednesday April 06 2022 08:35, you wrote to Ward Dossche:

    From Moscow with love. :) Should I say that the isolated Russia will repeat the path of isolated Germany after WW1 and create a big,
    powerful industry and military? ;-)

    Germany had big powerfull industry/military before the WW1. The problem with Russia is that we cannot do that alone.
    100 years ago we paid a lot to US companies to build many modern factories across the Russia, who's gonna help us now?

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Gerrit Kuehn@2:240/12 to alexander koryagin on Wednesday, April 06, 2022 08:25:08
    Hello alexander!

    06 Apr 22 08:35, alexander koryagin wrote to Ward Dossche:

    From Moscow with love. :) Should I say that the isolated Russia will repeat the path of isolated Germany after WW1 and create a big,
    industry and military? ;-)

    Good to know that you think you don't have that right now.


    ... 8:25AM up 14 days, 13:31, 8 users, load averages: 0.28, 0.29, 0.30

    --- msged/fbsd 6.3 2021-12-02
    * Origin: We are the second generation (2:240/12)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to alexander koryagin on Wednesday, April 06, 2022 09:41:00

    No more contributions from the troll-factory in St.Petersburg?

    From Moscow with love. :) Should I say that the isolated Russia will
    repeat the path of isolated Germany after WW1 and create a big, powerful industry and military? ;-)

    The only true way to a lasting peace has been demonstrated by Europe and the EU ... economic cooperation and trade ... uplifting the economy of the neighbours, not sucking it empty.

    The EU was created to force eternal foes France and Germany to function together. They historically had a war every 20-30 years and since the creation of the nucleus of the EU in the late-1940s if there was a conflict it was so boring nobody paid attention ... nobody got killed ...

    One day Russia needs to try that too ... it works ... I don't think Russians are bad people, it's the leadership that needs to change ... it's still a central system like in the days of Brezhnev and before ... no democracy, no free press, no free speech and gulags ...

    So who runs the show? Even Putin needs help to do what he does ... or maybe he is a puppet of the regime which tells him how to act and he's just a useful pawn ...


    --- DB4 - 20220222
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Wednesday, April 06, 2022 12:01:33
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 06.04.2022 09:29

    ak>> From Moscow with love.:) Should I say that the isolated
    ak>> Russia will repeat the path of isolated Germany after WW1
    ak>> and create a big, powerful industry and military?;-)
    DP> Germany had big powerfull industry/military before the WW1. The
    DP> problem with Russia is that we cannot do that alone. 100 years
    DP> ago we paid a lot to US companies to build many modern
    DP> factories across the Russia, who's gonna help us now?

    Russia/The USSR also had a powerful industry/military. Germany restored
    its potential in 10 years, exactly when it became isolated. Besides,
    China will help us. It knows that if they don't, they will be next. ;-)

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to alexander koryagin on Wednesday, April 06, 2022 12:03:28

    Russia/The USSR also had a powerful industry/military. Germany restored
    its potential in 10 years, exactly when it became isolated. Besides,
    China will help us. It knows that if they don't, they will be next. ;-)

    Dream on ...

    The Russian economy is about the same size as the 3 Benelux-countries combined (Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands).

    The Russian army consists of paid soldiers, they need a salary which needs to be generated by the rest of the country while the soldiers themselves produce nothing... Just wait until the state cannot pay their wages anymore...

    As for its military ... the last 5 to 6 weeks have demonstrated it cannot even defeat a relatively small (compared to its own size) country with an army where a lot of un-trained volunteers and grandfathers have taken-up weapons. If it's not a rocket, you don't have the power ... not on land, not at sea and not in the air. The Osetian units have refused to murder and went home ... and now the murderous bastards have also withdrawn fearing their own demise otherwise...

    And don't count on China ... people will be speaking Chinese quicker on Red Square than Russian on Tiananmen Square...


    --- DB4 - 20220222
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Wednesday, April 06, 2022 13:07:54
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Wednesday April 06 2022 12:01, you wrote to me:

    Germany had big powerfull industry/military before the WW1. The
    problem with Russia is that we cannot do that alone. 100 years
    ago we paid a lot to US companies to build many modern
    factories across the Russia, who's gonna help us now?

    Russia/The USSR also had a powerful industry/military. Germany

    Had when?

    restored its potential in 10 years, exactly when it became isolated.

    It wasn't isolated.

    Besides, China will help us. It knows that if they don't, they will be next. ;-)

    Do you know that Huawei already stopped sending new network equipment to Russia?

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Ward Dossche on Wednesday, April 06, 2022 14:28:07
    Hi, Ward Dossche!
    I read your message from 06.04.2022 10:41

    WD>>> No more contributions from the troll-factory in St. Petersburg?
    ak>> From Moscow with love. :) Should I say that the isolated Russia
    ak>> will repeat the path of isolated Germany after WW1 and create a
    ak>> big, powerful industry and military? ;-)

    WD> The only true way to a lasting peace has been demonstrated by
    WD> Europe and the EU... economic cooperation and trade... uplifting
    WD> the economy of the neighbours, not sucking it empty.

    But what does define the might of the EU? The territory is much less
    than the one of Russia, natural resources are scarce. Most of the EU
    countries are spongers, taken in for political reasons and resemble loud frogs. There are actually two big economies of Germany and France, maybe Italy. Russia provides itself with food, its resources are so big that
    Russia could even allow itself do not develop its own industry for many
    years, spending the money from selling resources for God only knows
    what. Is Russia able to catch up the industrially developed countries?
    Why not? Today the information about technologies is accessible, so
    repeating the steps will be much easy. Look at the Mask's rockets, for instance. Russia has created its rockets for decades, but times changed
    and Mask created its own for a few years. The main problem is how to
    find talented people and be defended from thieves, swindlers and fools.

    WD> The EU was created to force eternal foes France and Germany to
    WD> function together. They historically had a war every 20-30 years
    WD> and since the creation of the nucleus of the EU in the late-1940s
    WD> if there was a conflict it was so boring nobody paid attention...
    WD> nobody got killed...

    Yes, the fusion of these economies created a powerful union, nobody argues.

    WD> One day Russia needs to try that too... it works... I don't think
    WD> Russians are bad people, it's the leadership that needs to
    WD> change... it's still a central system like in the days of Brezhnev
    WD> and before... no democracy, no free press, no free speech and
    WD> gulags...

    You forgot that Germany of 193x also did not have democracy.Linking
    Russia's economy to the western import has made the country weak. With
    Putin or without him Russia should be more independent and the current shake-up can help. I remember an old anecdote about a Russian man:

    Fascists caught up a Russian partisan and before shooting him down asked
    him for his last wish. "Kick me in the ass as strong as you can," said
    the partisan. The fascists wondered but did it. The partisan cried, then snatched the machine-gun from a fascist's hands and killed them all." In
    other words, Russians need a heavy stimulus to start working well. ;-)

    WD> So who runs the show? Even Putin needs help to do what he does...
    WD> or maybe he is a puppet of the regime which tells him how to act
    WD> and he's just a useful pawn...

    I have already said that IMHO Russia resembles a human with human immunodeficiency virus. A political AIDS, as I put it. The security
    forces started do a wrong work and destroy the things they should not.
    It is a real catch 22, when a criminal and defender are in one person.

    Bye, Ward!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Björn Felten on Wednesday, April 06, 2022 18:41:04
    Hello Bjrn,

    No more contributions from the troll-factory in St.Petersburg?

    I hope that you are not missing them? After all, for us in the know, it was
    like shooting fish in a barrel.

    And I hope that my actions behind the curtains were part of deracinating the
    vermin from this echo.

    I must take issue with you, dear sir.

    There are many fine Russians, even in Russia. None of whom are trolls
    of any kind. They may not be able to express themselves freely, or even
    be aware of our presence in Fidonet. And then there are many Russians
    who have left Russia proper for greener pastures. Some of whom may not
    have ever heard of Fidonet. As such, we should never exclude any of
    those fine people from our presence, but rather invite them all to come
    in and join the fun.

    Just because Vladimir Putin was mayor of St. Petersburg a long time
    ago does not mean that everybody loves the man for what he did then or
    for what he is doing today.

    Please do keep that in mind.

    Thanks in advance.


    As Good As It Looks

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Lee Lofaso on Wednesday, April 06, 2022 23:10:49
    As such, we should never ...
    Please explain the "we" ... as you don't have a nodenumber, you yourself are not part of "us" and therefor the "we" is inappropriate..


    --- DB4 - 20220222
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Ward Dossche on Thursday, April 07, 2022 06:56:02
    Hello Ward,

    As such, we should never ...
    Please explain the "we" ... as you don't have a nodenumber, you yourself are
    not part of "us" and therefor the "we" is inappropriate..

    Glady, my dear friend.

    "We" in the free world, inclusive of all sysops and sysop wannabes,
    welcome all to play, not just a select few. That is the beauty of
    Fidonet, which has always been known as an inclusive rather than an
    exclusive club. I like that. :)


    No Trump! No KKK! No fascist USA!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Thursday, April 07, 2022 08:45:08
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 06.04.2022 13:07

    DP>>> Germany had big powerfull industry/military before the
    DP>>> WW1. The problem with Russia is that we cannot do that
    DP>>> alone. 100 years ago we paid a lot to US companies to
    DP>>> build many modern factories across the Russia, who's
    DP>>> gonna help us now?
    ak>> Russia/The USSR also had a powerful industry/military.
    ak>> Germany
    DP> Had when?

    When the western world was afraid of the USSR power. ;-)

    ak>> restored its potential in 10 years, exactly when it became
    ak>> isolated.
    DP> It wasn't isolated.

    Yes, the USSR was its biggest market and it helped Germany in many ways.

    ak>> Besides, China will help us. It knows that if they don't,
    ak>> they will be next. ;-)
    DP> Do you know that Huawei already stopped sending new network
    DP> equipment to Russia?

    Was if taken from a Ukrainian blogger page and from some reliable source?

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Lee Lofaso on Thursday, April 07, 2022 08:09:25
    "We" in the free world, inclusive of all sysops and sysop wannabes,
    welcome all to play, not just a select few. That is the beauty of
    Fidonet, which has always been known as an inclusive rather than an exclusive club. I like that. :)

    No, you are not allowed to play ... you just post stuff ... you don't participate in Fidonet.


    --- DB4 - 20220222
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Thursday, April 07, 2022 15:04:14
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Thursday April 07 2022 08:45, you wrote to me:

    Russia/The USSR also had a powerful industry/military.
    Had when?

    When the western world was afraid of the USSR power. ;-)

    50-70s? It was already very much behind the West. In 70s food stamps started to appear in soviet cities.

    restored its potential in 10 years, exactly when it became
    It wasn't isolated.

    Yes, the USSR was its biggest market and it helped Germany in many

    No, USSR wasn't bigget market for Germany.

    Besides, China will help us. It knows that if they don't,
    they will be next. ;-)
    Do you know that Huawei already stopped sending new network
    equipment to Russia?

    Was if taken from a Ukrainian blogger page and from some reliable

    From Huawei customers in Russia (Rostelecom, for example).
    It's in the news already:

    We are in deep shit.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to Ward Dossche on Friday, April 08, 2022 04:39:03
    Hello Ward,

    "We" in the free world, inclusive of all sysops and sysop wannabes,
    welcome all to play, not just a select few. That is the beauty of
    Fidonet, which has always been known as an inclusive rather than an
    exclusive club. I like that. :)

    No, you are not allowed to play ... you just post stuff ... you don't participate in Fidonet.

    You mean to tell me, after all these years, I am not a player?
    Please tell me you are joking. You are joking. Aren't you?


    Love! Not hate! Makes America great!

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se:4119 (2:203/2)
  • From Stas Mishchenkov@2:460/5858 to Ward Dossche on Friday, April 08, 2022 07:37:48
    Hi, Ward!

    06 22 12:03, Ward Dossche -> alexander koryagin:

    As for its military ... the last 5 to 6 weeks have demonstrated it
    cannot even defeat a relatively small (compared to its own size)
    country with an army where a lot of un-trained volunteers and
    grandfathers have taken-up weapons.

    Stop watching TV. ;)
    The Ukrainian army has long been far from the monkeys with sticks that they were about ten years ago. And the "volunteers" during this time went through American training camps in Western Ukraine and are well equipped.

    Have nice nights.
    Stas Mishchenkov.

    --- ᯨ⠭ 騭 - 㣠 ⮬, ⮬ 㬥 ᬮ.
    * Origin: Lame Users Breeding. Simferopol, Crimea. (2:460/5858)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Dmitry Protasoff on Friday, April 08, 2022 08:57:29
    Hi, Dmitry Protasoff!
    I read your message from 07.04.2022 15:04

    ak>>>> Russia/The USSR also had a powerful industry/military. Germany
    DP>>> Had when?

    ak>> When the western world was afraid of the USSR power. ;-)

    DP> 50-70s? It was already very much behind the West. In 70s food
    DP> stamps started to appear in soviet cities.

    There was the deficit of some products mainly because of their low cost.
    When Gaydar came to power he mended it easily - the prices had sky
    rocketed and Oh miracle! - sausage started its constant presence in
    shops! ;-)

    ak>>>> Besides, China will help us. It knows that if they don't, they
    ak>>>> will be next. ;-)
    DP>>> Do you know that Huawei already stopped sending new network
    DP>>> equipment to Russia?

    ak>> Was if taken from a Ukrainian blogger page and from some reliable
    ak>> source?

    DP> From Huawei customers in Russia (Rostelecom, for example). It's in
    DP> the news already:
    DP> https://habr.com/ru/news/t/658781/

    DP> We are in deep shit.

    There are many holes. If you forgot China actively helps the North Korea
    in violation to many sanctions.

    Bye, Dmitry!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews,local.cc.ak 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From alexander koryagin@2:5075/128.130 to Stas Mishchenkov on Friday, April 08, 2022 09:06:08
    Hi, Stas Mishchenkov!
    I read your message from 08.04.2022 07:37

    WD>> As for its military ... the last 5 to 6 weeks have
    WD>> demonstrated it cannot even defeat a relatively small
    WD>> (compared to its own size) country with an army where a lot
    WD>> of un-trained volunteers and grandfathers have taken-up
    WD>> weapons.
    SM> Stop watching TV. ;)
    SM> The Ukrainian army has long been far from the monkeys with
    SM> sticks that they were about ten years ago. And the "volunteers"
    SM> during this time went through American training camps in Western
    SM> Ukraine and are well equipped.

    It's only a pity that Ukraine doesn't have people with some brains who
    was able to prevent this war. ;-\

    Bye, Stas!
    Alexander Koryagin
    fido.fidonews 2022
    --- Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:31.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/31.7.0
    * Origin: Usenet Network (2:5075/128.130)
  • From Ward Dossche@2:292/854 to Stas Mishchenkov on Friday, April 08, 2022 08:29:25
    Hello Stas,

    The Ukrainian army has long been far from the monkeys with sticks that
    they were about ten years ago. And the "volunteers" during this time went through American training camps in Western Ukraine and are well equipped.

    Let me put it this way ... you probably are correct that an haphazard militia cannot inflict the damage which Ukrainian forces have inflicted. For the moment I am not buying the American training camps ... just training camps ...

    The things is that from Belgium, which is a small country, a bunch of Ukrainian immigrants from before the Russian assault (even second generation) left for Ukraine without formal training to join the fighting ... fighters went from several countries ... even military people ... there's the case here of some generic Belgians who also went to the Ukraine.

    Anyway, I think there's a serious issue with the command structure of the Russian army ... in the Tschernobyl "Red Forrest" they dug trenches ... exposing those soldiers to radiation disease from which they'll die 5-10 years from now. They won't be counted in the casualty statistics though.


    --- DB4 - 20220222
    * Origin: Hou het veilig, hou vol. Het komt allemaal weer goed (2:292/854)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to alexander koryagin on Friday, April 08, 2022 12:08:22
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, alexander!

    Friday April 08 2022 08:57, you wrote to me:

    50-70s? It was already very much behind the West. In 70s food
    stamps started to appear in soviet cities.

    There was the deficit of some products mainly because of their low
    cost. When Gaydar came to power he mended it easily - the prices had

    Like shortage of cars, for example? :)) They were very expensive.

    sky rocketed and Oh miracle! - sausage started its constant presence
    in shops! ;-)

    And he allowed import by private companies. Also USA and Germany sent a lot of free stuff as humanitarian help.

    From Huawei customers in Russia (Rostelecom, for example). It's
    in the news already:

    We are in deep shit.

    There are many holes. If you forgot China actively helps the North
    Korea in violation to many sanctions.

    So why Huawei already betrayed us? :)

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Stas Mishchenkov@2:460/5858 to Ward Dossche on Saturday, April 09, 2022 09:29:30
    Hi, Ward!

    08 22 08:29, Ward Dossche -> Stas Mishchenkov:

    Let me put it this way ... you probably are correct that an haphazard militia cannot inflict the damage which Ukrainian forces have

    You and I cannot know who, to whom, what damage actually caused.

    For the moment I am not buying the American training camps ... just training camps ...

    Have you forgotten that I am stating only what I have learned from people I know personally? Eyewitnesses speak of American instructors.

    The things is that from Belgium, which is a small country, a bunch of Ukrainian immigrants from before the Russian assault (even second generation) left for Ukraine without formal training to join the fighting ... fighters went from several countries ... even military people ... there's the case here of some generic Belgians who also went to the Ukraine.

    This is at least not smart on their part and completely useless from a military point of view. Perhaps the exception can only be narrow specialists like snipers.

    Anyway, I think there's a serious issue with the command structure of
    the Russian army ... in the Tschernobyl "Red Forrest" they dug
    trenches ... exposing those soldiers to radiation disease from which they'll die 5-10 years from now.

    How did you know about it? ;)

    They won't be counted in the casualty statistics though.

    Quite possible.

    Have nice nights.
    Stas Mishchenkov.

    --- ⠭ ᤥ ⫨, ⥪.
    * Origin: Lame Users Breeding. Simferopol, Crimea. (2:460/5858)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to Stas Mishchenkov on Saturday, April 09, 2022 11:29:02
    Hello, Stas!

    Saturday April 09 2022 09:29, you wrote to Ward Dossche:

    For the moment I am not buying the American training camps ...
    just training camps ...

    Have you forgotten that I am stating only what I have learned from
    people I know personally? Eyewitnesses speak of American instructors.

    I've talked to many former soviet military advisors from Middle East and at some point started to double check their stories. Most of them were fake.
    It's something "proud" for russian/soviet military personnel to lie as much as possible, they call it "military stratagem".

    They same goes to almost everyone in Russian government, starting from Putin who lies every day, like he lied about invasion to Ukraine.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Stas Mishchenkov@2:460/5858 to Dmitry Protasoff on Saturday, April 09, 2022 12:06:14
    Hi, Dmitry!

    09 22 11:29, Dmitry Protasoff -> Stas Mishchenkov:

    For the moment I am not buying the American training camps ...
    just training camps ...

    Have you forgotten that I am stating only what I have learned from
    people I know personally? Eyewitnesses speak of American instructors.

    I've talked to many former soviet military advisors from Middle East and at some point started to double check their stories. Most of them were fake. It's something "proud" for russian/soviet military personnel to lie as much as possible, they call it "military stratagem".

    They same goes to almost everyone in Russian government, starting from Putin who lies every day, like he lied about invasion to Ukraine.

    What is all this bullshit here for?

    Have nice nights.
    Stas Mishchenkov.

    --- 뢠 쪨. 㦭 , ⮦ ࠢ
    * Origin: Lame Users Breeding. Simferopol, Crimea. (2:460/5858)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to Stas Mishchenkov on Saturday, April 09, 2022 18:44:44
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, Stas!

    Saturday April 09 2022 12:06, you wrote to me:

    They same goes to almost everyone in Russian government, starting
    from Putin who lies every day, like he lied about invasion to

    What is all this bullshit here for?

    This is called freedom of speech, something that we in Russia don't have anymore.
    A lot of people in Russia are in shock about how stupid and deceitful Putin was when he started this bloody war under completely false pretext.
    NATO and USA wasn't a reason, it was a desire to prevent Ukraine from detaching itself from dillusional Putin's "Russian world" which he is trying to create.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)
  • From Stas Mishchenkov@2:460/5858 to Dmitry Protasoff on Saturday, April 09, 2022 20:33:30
    Hi, Dmitry!

    09 22 18:44, Dmitry Protasoff -> Stas Mishchenkov:

    What is all this bullshit here for?

    This is called freedom of speech,

    Free speech and throwing shit on a fan are somewhat different concepts.

    something that we in Russia don't have anymore.

    How is it not? There you are, right here in the international echo and still at liberty. ;)
    It seems that you are trying to hang pasta on the ears of respected gentlemen and ladies in a extra perverted way. ;)

    Have nice nights.
    Stas Mishchenkov.

    --- - ⢮ 죨, 㤮⢨.
    * Origin: Lame Users Breeding. Simferopol, Crimea. (2:460/5858)
  • From Dmitry Protasoff@2:5001/100.1 to Stas Mishchenkov on Saturday, April 09, 2022 20:50:44
    *** Answering a msg posted in area carbonArea (Carbon Area).

    Hello, Stas!

    Saturday April 09 2022 20:33, you wrote to me:

    This is called freedom of speech,

    Free speech and throwing shit on a fan are somewhat different

    Killing people is even worse. And doing some "explanations" why this is right - is something unacceptable.

    something that we in Russia don't have anymore.

    How is it not? There you are, right here in the international echo and

    I am not in Moscow anymore, some of my friends are jailed already for peacefull protests against this war.
    Some went away last moment and under criminal investigation already for protecting people rights (from OVD-Info).

    still at liberty. ;) It seems that you are trying to hang pasta on the ears of respected gentlemen and ladies in a extra perverted way. ;)

    Sounds like you are trying to paint some nice pictures when we are in full scale downshift into totalitarian fascist state.

    Best regards,

    --- GoldED+/W64-MSVC 1.1.5-b20180707
    * Origin: No rest for the wicked (2:5001/100.1)