• echos

    From Charles Pierson@2:240/1120.976 to All on Sunday, November 01, 2020 19:44:45
    Hello, All.

    How do echo subscriptions work in a point system?

    For example, if I add an echo with Areafix, and get the confirmation back, theoretically messages should go in and out. But what if there isn't any traffic going through, even though I can see traffic in the echo on other systems?

    Or if you try to add an echo that's on the elist, but Areafix returns that it's not found?

    Best regards!
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  • From Alan Ianson@1:153/757 to Charles Pierson on Sunday, November 01, 2020 18:00:38
    Hello Charles,

    How do echo subscriptions work in a point system?

    You just connect the areas you want to read or write in.

    For example, if I add an echo with Areafix, and get the confirmation
    back, theoretically messages should go in and out. But what if there
    isn't any traffic going through, even though I can see traffic in the
    echo on other systems?

    There might be a broken link there. If you bring that up with your boss maybe he/she can find a solution. Connect to a different or multiple links.

    Or if you try to add an echo that's on the elist, but Areafix returns
    that it's not found?

    Bring that up with your boss also. Sounds like the area is not connected, that's easy enough to fix.

    Ttyl :-),

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    * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757)