• Free Lunch

    From Lee Lofaso@2:203/2 to ALL on Saturday, December 04, 2021 23:44:42
    Hello Everybody,

    "Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give."
    ~ Jesus, to His Twelve Apostles, as He sent them on their way to
    do things in His name (Matthew 10:8b)

    Everybody wants a free lunch, right? Of course. Whoever heard
    of anybody who has refused? Even prisoners on life row gets a last
    free lunch. Even if they do not deserve it.

    Now think about it. What is it that we have received "without cost?"
    When you come to think about it, really think hard about it, we have
    received every good thing for free. I am not so sure about every bad
    thing, but certainly every good thing.

    Since all that is good is a gift from God, this free lunch for us
    is also good for everyone. So why not give to others what God has
    already given to us?

    After all, that is what Jesus told His Apostles to do.

    Just think about it. There is nothing we can do to earn His
    blessings in our lives. Absolutely nothing. So whether we deserve
    it or not, we should all get our own free lunch.

    Jesus tells us Himself, in His own words, that all we have
    received from Him is a free gift and that we, in turn, must
    share what He has given to us free of charge to others.

    "This is my body ..."
    "This is my blood ..."
    "Do this in memory of me ..."

    So, you know what that means.

    Everybody gets a free lunch, in His name, from each and every
    one of us. Even if they do not deserve it.

    That is what the Gift of Christmas is all about. Christmas is
    a time when we give and receive gifts. IOW, a "free lunch" for

    Until we realize that is *not* what Christmas is all about.

    You see, there is a difference between what is a "gift" and
    what is a "present".

    A "present" is something that is expected. Such as what young
    children find under the Christmas tree on Christmas morning.
    All praise and glory to Santa Claus, patron saint of children.
    When children grow up, they are expected to do something in
    return for having received "presents" from others. IOW, there
    are always "strings attached" whenever one receives "presents".

    A "gift" is something that is much, much more. How so? A "gift"
    is something that is freely given, unearned and undeserved. No
    strings attached. A "free lunch" for everyone, without exception.

    That is what the Incarnation is all about.

    So eat, drink, and be merry! That is the ticket to Paradise!


    I won't fan the flames of hate, ~Joe Biden

    --- MesNews/
    * Origin: news://eljaco.se (2:203/2)