• Israelies have good control over Muslim women

    From Iwantjustice@70@sd3.mailbank.com to alt.animals.zebu, newsguy.pub.us.gov.society, alt.society.civil-liberty, alt.books.john-grisham, on Tuesday, July 08, 2003 01:07:51
    From Newsgroup: alt.society.civil-liberty

    -people of the world I want justice, I want to know why these Jews raped me and gave me bio weapons what was my crime. Do they think I have no feelings?

    Assalam uAAlekum,
    In mid 2001, a man who claimed he was working for BBC told me that Jews need my next generation, so it is either I give it to them voluntarily or they will forcibly take it. I asked him how can he make me do unlawful things when I donAt want to he said they can, they have very good control over Muslims. He asked me my likes and dislikes, and the next day one of my neighbourAs Muslim girl comes to my door and asks me that she wants to learn some maths of so. Well because she didnAt bring anything with her, so I though she was joking, this girl came into my house forcibly and during all this period I had to stay out of my own house. But I was lucky as I did not really understand what it mean, apparently when someone says you donAt know maths then it means you donAt know rude things or so. I donAt know I guess the world is really coming to an end, everything has a rude meaning thanks God I donAt know many of them. Later the same man told me he did really send someone to my door!
    , but I didnAt do anything so now they will try a odifferento method.

    Though nothing much happened but this man was influential enough to send someone of my kind to my door from my neighbourhood in a day, this shows they really do control minds and bodies using events, information and secret services is not wrong. But I do question, if it was not me, and some other kind of man was there, what should have happened. This also shows that Muslims have left God and have started taking shortcuts wherever whenever they can. And that is why it has made it very easy for those who are fighting against God to control their bodies and minds. Though these are my thoughts and experience, but like always they can be wrong. May God give us the ability to fight our weakness and obey God properly. May God save us from Satan and his friends and may God unite all the Muslims and give them ability to pray.waASalam

    See how Jews destroyed my body using bio & chemical weapons http://www.alamaiqbal.com/

    download the Animatrix animations from

    People of the world I have seen with my own eyes, how people are
    forced by jews to give sperms or else they are given biological weapons
    People I am a human being a living proof of their racist war against
    all of us, people how long will you keep quiet, people my body hurts, I
    only want unbaised justice, I want to know why they raped me.

    find all my interesting articles :) at http://www.maududi.com or

    To download softwares/books written by me

    If you want to help me you can download a copy of my site from http://zipfile.alamaiqbal.com/ (600k) and place it on other
    locations, for other people's reference.

    find us at ...
    alt.conspiracy, alt.religion.islam, alt.religion.christian,
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