• Re: Cheechwizard Swallows

    From ╤≡S-|-M╨@mÃÐMÁ×¹@ÅsSremover.com to alt.tasteless.jokes on Tuesday, July 01, 2003 03:14:42
    From Newsgroup: alt.tasteless.jokes

    On Sun, 29 Jun 2003 16:39:55 +1200, Not Again hurled <F6uLa.57275$JA5.1016856@news.xtra.co.nz> into the abyss of alt.tasteless.jokes,
    where it constantly lurks, whines, and trolls, crapping on society with 23 bandwidth-killing lines of moronic idiocy...

    "Kiwis are best" <1kiwi@ekatahuna.pub> wrote in message >news:knoLa.56751$JA5.1006420@news.xtra.co.nz...
    : It's true..... he does

    and he likes it

    ..replying to yourself under a different nym is about as embarassing it gets


    Frequent lock-ups are a symptom of not enough memory in the same
    way nosebleeds are a symptom of gunshot wounds to the head..

    "'good'?!? ..she can suck a red-giant through a pipette!"
    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113