• Re: Apple II II+ Mountain Comp Expansion Chassis

    From Michael Pender@mpender@hotmail.com to comp.sys.apple2 on Saturday, July 19, 2003 21:59:35
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Ernest <leucoplast@seanet.NOSPAM.com> wrote in message news:1I4Sa.81664$OZ2.15121@rwcrnsc54...
    Now THIS is coool!


    From the advertisement:
    It is the ONLY 8 slot chassis ever made for the Apple II, and the ONLY
    chassis where ALL the cards in the
    chassis are acticve simultaneously, NOT just the 1 card at a time switch a
    slot design.

    This doesn't sound like a "feature" to me. IIRC Apple cards get a slot
    select signal that tells them they are needed. With all 8 cards on at the
    same time it would be like a cocktail party with everyone talking at once because the Apple II bus doesn't have a bus control/negotiation protocol.

    Any thoughts?

    - Mike

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  • From jim symolon@jsymolon01@SPAMattbiBAIT.com to comp.sys.apple2 on Sunday, July 20, 2003 13:35:59
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Michael Pender wrote:

    This doesn't sound like a "feature" to me. IIRC Apple cards get a slot select signal that tells them they are needed. With all 8 cards on at the same time it would be like a cocktail party with everyone talking at once because the Apple II bus doesn't have a bus control/negotiation protocol.

    Any thoughts?

    - Mike

    exactly my impression. The way I would design it would be, the ROM on
    the apple card probably "maps" each slot on the expansion unit to active
    when softswitched. Kind of like mapping memory areas on memory cards to memory addresses in the address space.

    Remove SPAM BAIT from address to reply

    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From Bill Garber@willy46pa@comcast.net to comp.sys.apple2 on Sunday, July 20, 2003 13:24:48
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    "jim symolon" <jsymolon01@SPAMattbiBAIT.com> wrote in message news:3VwSa.92212$wk6.25083@rwcrnsc52.ops.asp.att.net...
    Michael Pender wrote:

    This doesn't sound like a "feature" to me. IIRC Apple cards get a slot select signal that tells them they are needed. With all 8 cards on at
    same time it would be like a cocktail party with everyone talking at
    because the Apple II bus doesn't have a bus control/negotiation

    exactly my impression. The way I would design it would be, the ROM on
    the apple card probably "maps" each slot on the expansion unit to active
    when softswitched. Kind of like mapping memory areas on memory cards to memory addresses in the address space.

    Judging from the placement of the cable on the interface card,
    that would be replacing one of the 74LS138's which would expand
    the slot capability. As you may not be aware the Apple II is capable
    of defining the eight slots as 0-7 and then again as 8-15. If the box
    contains firmware to feed the Apple II, there is no reason why all
    8 of the slots in the box can't be defined from slot 7. If I'm wrong
    please correct me, but I believe I am reading all these manuals in
    the correct way. The slots can be used through locations C000-
    C7FF and C800-CFFF.

    Bill @ GarberStreet Enterprises };-)
    Web Site - http://garberstreet.netfirms.com
    Email - willy46pa@comcast.net

    This email ain't infected, dude!

    Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
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  • From Exegete@millers@noneofyourbusiness.com to comp.sys.apple2 on Sunday, July 20, 2003 12:37:21
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Michael Pender wrote:
    Ernest <leucoplast@seanet.NOSPAM.com> wrote in message news:1I4Sa.81664$OZ2.15121@rwcrnsc54...

    Now THIS is coool!


    From the advertisement:

    It is the ONLY 8 slot chassis ever made for the Apple II, and the ONLY

    chassis where ALL the cards in the

    chassis are acticve simultaneously, NOT just the 1 card at a time switch a

    slot design.

    This doesn't sound like a "feature" to me.

    Well, keeping in mind that "bugs" are only undocumented "features"....


    IIRC Apple cards get a slot
    select signal that tells them they are needed. With all 8 cards on at the same time it would be like a cocktail party with everyone talking at once because the Apple II bus doesn't have a bus control/negotiation protocol.

    Any thoughts?

    - Mike

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    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From Eric Smith@eric-no-spam-for-me@brouhaha.com to comp.sys.apple2 on Sunday, July 20, 2003 11:45:26
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    "Bill Garber" <willy46pa@comcast.net> writes:
    Judging from the placement of the cable on the interface card,
    that would be replacing one of the 74LS138's which would expand
    the slot capability. As you may not be aware the Apple II is capable
    of defining the eight slots as 0-7 and then again as 8-15. If the box contains firmware to feed the Apple II, there is no reason why all
    8 of the slots in the box can't be defined from slot 7. If I'm wrong
    please correct me, but I believe I am reading all these manuals in
    the correct way. The slots can be used through locations C000-
    C7FF and C800-CFFF.

    If you're talking about mapping the Cn00 space for the extra slots in
    the range C800-CFFF, that could cause problems. Apple defined the
    C800-CFFF space to be shared between all the cards (except slot 0).
    The protocol is that any access to Cn00 of a particular card (i.e., n in the range of 1 to 7) will enable that card to use the C800-CFFF space. An
    access to CFFF is supposed to disable the C800-CFFF space on all cards.
    Not all cards use the C800-CFFF space, but most of the fancier cards do.

    Also, the firmware on normal cards "expects" to be in the Cn00 space
    where n is in the range of 1 to 7. It's likely that many cards wouldn't
    work properly for n in the range of 8 to F.

    The low-memory slot globals (hidden in the unused part of the page 1 text screen between 0400 and 07FF) also only have room for eight globals for
    each of seven cards. (The other eight globals are used by DOS.)

    If I were building an expansion chassis, I'd design it such that under
    software control each card in the expansion chassis could be mapped
    under software control to replace one (selectable) card/slot in the
    computer. I'd provide both user utility software to control the mapping,
    as well as subroutines and technical documentation to allow it to be
    done from user-written or third-party software.

    But I have no idea what Mountain Hardware/Mountain Computer actually
    did. I always wanted on of those but couldn't justify the price.
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