• beagle bros Big U docs 1

    From mspangler@mspangler@gemsi.com (Michael Spangler) to comp.sys.apple2 on Saturday, July 19, 2003 18:26:18
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    I have scanned in the manual to Beagle Bros Big U manual. hoefully
    I've got it punched down to ascii. It kept trying to be modern for me,
    which is not what i wanted.

    Oh well. To keep the length reasonable, I'm going to break it down
    into pieces.

    Now, If I could only get hold of the docs to ProByter.....

    Big U is a disk packed with U-tilities that increase ProDOS's
    performance. You Applesoft programmers, beginner and experts,
    will love using Big U's powerful machine language routines
    and commands in your programs. And every Appler can have fun
    customizing ProDOS and using Big U's utility programs.


    This manual assumes that you have a basic understanding of loading and
    saving files, cataloging a disk, and so on. We have done our best to
    things simple, so even if you're a raw beginner, be patient with your
    Apple and have fun! If you don't have Apple's "Basic Programming With
    ProDOS" and "Basic Tutorial" manuals, run out and buy them.

    If you're an old DOS 3.3 veteran starting to explore ProDOS, you'll be surprised by some things, but you shouldn't have any real trouble. See
    page 72 for a summary of ProDOS commands. If you're interested in the
    advanced technical aspects of ProDOS, get the book, "Beneath Apple
    ProDOS" from Quality Software.


    All BIG U programs are run by typing "-filename" (that's a hyphen
    by the program's name).

    Big U comes from the factory unlocked and unprotected, giving
    you the freedom to inspect its programs and to copy them from disk to
    Make a duplicate of your original so that any exotic experimenting or accidents won't ruin the original. Big U's FILE.MOVER program (page
    can make copies file-by-file, or any disk copy program will copy the
    entire disk. (Our favorite is DISK.COPY from Beagle's "Extra K" disk.)
    Please don't get carried away by giving copies of our disks to your
    friends. Every illegal copy is a vote for copy protection and against
    friendly software. You support us and we'll support you.

    If ProDOS is giving you "Path Not Found" errors every time you try to
    load a file, you are probably having prefix problems. See your "BASIC Programming With ProDOS" manual to learn more. The best suggestion we
    have is to type "PREFIX/" to cancel the prefix before loading files.

    Since the Big U disk doesn't have any subdirectories, you shouldn't
    have many Path Not Found problems with it, unless you spell a file
    name wrong.

    To see Big U's catalog, type "CAT". In 80-columns, you can type

    ANYCAT (page 46): A new ProDOS command that catalogs DOS 3.3
    (and ProDOS) disks

    APPENDER: (page 38) A program that joins two or more Applesoft

    BASIC.SYSTEM: The ProDOS/Applesoft "mediator" that works with PRODOS

    BEEPERWORKS (page 58): A program that lets you change AppleWorks'
    error beep

    BIGLINER (page 59): A program that creates illegal line numbers in

    BIG.U (80-columns): The title screen used by Big U's STARTUP program

    CAT.DATER (page 60): A program that makes CAT and CATALOG display the
    current date

    CAT.FIXER (page 61): A program that makes CAT display in multiple
    columns, and CATALOG auto-switch to 80 columns

    CAT.STEPPER (page 60): A program that makes CAT and CATALOG step
    catalogs one file or one screen-full at a time

    COPY (page 47): A new ProDOS command that copies ProDOS files from one
    disk to another (requires two drives or 128K)

    COPY.1 (page 47): A version of COPY that works with single drives

    COPYRIGHT.1985: A program that demonstrates what you can do with

    CRT.WRITER (page 9): A screen editor that lets you create fancy title
    screens and write quick notes (requires 80-column Ile or IIc)
    (CRT.CODE is an accompanying file)

    DATE.SET (page 63): A program that sets the time and date in Apples
    without a built-in clock

    DISK.COPY.MORE (page 64): A program that updates Extra K's Disk Copy
    so it copies 38-track disks in about a minute (requires Extra K disk)

    DUMP (page 48): A new ProDOS command that prints 40 or 80 column
    screens (requires 80-column Apple Ile or IIc)

    DUMP.40 (page 39): A program that lets you dump the 40-column screen
    on your printer

    DUMP.80 (page 39): Like DUMP.40, but for 80-column screens

    ERROR.EDITOR.(page 65): a program that lets you change ProDOS error
    messages (ERROR.CODE is an accompanying file)

    EST (page 48): Three new ProDOS commands that Erase memory, show Space
    left on a disk, and see what the Time is

    FILE.MOVER (page 19): A ProDOS file copier, deleter, renamer and disk
    formatter (requires 80 columns; Apple IIe or IIc)

    FILEMOVER.SETUP (page 31): A program that changes FILE.MOVER to work
    with 36-40 tracks

    HEX (page 49): New ProDOS memory-display commands and number

    HEX.H (page 49): A hidden version of the HEX commands

    INPUT.40 (page 40): A program that gives you a smarter &INPUT command
    for the 40 columns

    INPUT.80 (page 40): Same as INPUT.40, but for 80 columns

    INPUT.SETUP (page 41): A program that changes the maximum &INPUT
    string length

    KEYCAT.80 (page 32): A program that lets you see an instant list of
    disk files, selectable with one or two keystrokes (requires 80 column
    Apple IIc or Ile)

    KEYCAT.SETUP (page 36): A program that reconfigures KEYCAT.80

    MON (page 52): A new ProDOS command that monitors ProDOS disk

    NOTES: A program that shows you the latest changes to this manual

    ONLINE (page 53): A new ProDOS command that identifies every disk in
    every drive

    PRODOS: Version 1.1.1 of Apple's newest Disk Operating System

    RAM.LOAD (page 68): A program that loads files from floppy into /RAM
    at 5K per second (requires 128K)

    RAM.SAVE (page 67): A program that saves all /RAM files to floppy disk (requires 128K)

    RAM.SETUP (page 69): A program that configures RAM.LOAD and RAM.SAVE

    RANDY.BRANDT: A strange name for a program that demonstrates Big U's
    new SHOW command
    REMOVE (page 42): A program that eliminates Rem's from Applesoft

    REM.OVE.128 (page 42): A program that saves your program on RAM disk,
    then eliminates Rem statements (requires 128K)

    RENEW (page 70): A new ProDOS command that recovers Applesoft programs
    killed by NEW

    RUN.COUNTER (page 70): An program that keeps track of the number of
    times your program is run, and/or the last date it was used

    SAVE.40 (page 71): A program that gives you a new &SAVE command for
    saving 40 column text screens

    SAVE.80 (page 71): Same as SAVE.40, but for 80 columns (requires 80

    SEE (page 53): A new ProDOS command that lists Applesoft disk files
    without loading them

    SHOW (page 54): A new ProDOS command that loads and displays pictures
    from disk

    SHOW.WIPE (page 55): A version of SHOW for double hi-res, and a new
    ProDOS WIPE command that erases all RAM disk files (requires 128K)

    STARTUP: The main menu program that runs when you boot the Big U disk

    SUPER.POKE (page 44): A program that gives you a new &POKE command
    that Pokes numbers fast

    XLISTER (page 56): A new ProDOS command that lists programs in
    improved format

    If you are new to ProDOS, we highly recommend Apple's book, BASIC

    If you are an advanced programmer (or would like to become one), we
    highly recommend Quality Software's book, BENEATH APPLE ProDOS.

    CRT.WRITER is a combination Applesoft/machine language program that
    allows you to write and print short letters or memos and do quick jobs
    like address envelopes (if your printer can handle them). It also
    allows you to easily create elaborate title screens which can be saved
    on disk and used by your programs.

    This "screen processor" is so committed to the
    What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get philosophy that each document can be
    viewed in its entirety without any scrolling, page-flipping or disk
    access. Of course, each document is only one screen long, but what did
    you expect?

    Make sure you copy both of the files, "CRT.WRITER" and "CRT.CODE" if
    you want to move the program onto another disk.

    Type "-CRT.WRITER". The copyright message will soon be displayed in
    the middle of the screen. Press any key to get started.

    To create a screen, you can just start typing. The Return key and
    arrow keys do about what you'd expect them to do. Don't forget though,
    that you're limited by the space on the screen.

    APPLE-KEY COMMANDS To issue a command, you must hold down the left (or
    "open") Apple key while pressing another key. To simplify things,
    we'll just call open-Apple the "Apple key" from now on.

    OA = Open (left) Apple key
    BA = Both (left and right) Apple keys
    OA-0 (zero): To top left of screen
    OA-1... OA-9: Reposition in current column
    Arrow keys: Move one character or one line
    OA-left arrow: To left-most character in line
    OA-right arrow: To right-most character in line
    Tab: To next tab position
    OA-Tab: To previous tab position
    BA-up arrow: Screen up (rulers must be off)
    BA-down arrow: Screen down (rulers must be off)
    OA-L: Left justify current line
    OA-C: Center current line
    OA-R: Right justify current line
    OA-D: Duplicate a block (leaves original)
    OA-M: Move a block (erases original block)
    (Press Apple-Delete the indicated number of times.)
    1: Clears from cursor to end of line
    2: Clears remainder of line
    3: Clears all lines below the current line
    4: Clears the entire screen
    OA-K: Catalog drive 1
    BA-K: Catalog drive 2
    OA-G: Get screen from disk (load)
    OA-S: Save screen to disk
    OA-A: MouseText on/off (if available)
    OA-I: Inverse text on/off
    OA-P: Print the screen
    OA-Q: Quit and exit to Applesoft
    OA-T: Toggle tab rulers on/off
    OA-U: Undo changes (if still possible)
    OA-V: Toggle vertical typing on/off
    OA-X: Credits

    Apple-0: CURSOR HOME Pressing Apple-0 (zero) puts the cursor in the
    upper left corner or "home" position of the screen.

    Apple-1... Apple-9: RELOCATE THE CURSOR Pressing Apple-1 through
    Apple-9 proportionally positions the cursor vertically on the screen
    without changing its horizontal position.

    Arrow Keys: MOVE THE CURSOR The Arrow keys move the cursor about like
    you'd expect. Try all four of them.

    Apple-Left/Right Arrows: JUMP LEFT & RIGHT Apple-Left Arrow jumps the
    cursor to the left-most character on a line, while Apple-Right Arrow,
    logically enough, moves you to the right. Spaces do not count as

    Both Apples-Up/Down Arrows: SCROLL THE SCREEN To scroll the screen up
    or down, hold down both Apple keys and press the Up or Down Arrow key. Scrolling is not available with the tab rulers visible. (Press Apple-T
    to turn the rulers on and off.)

    Just like on a typewriter.

    Apple-C: CENTER A LINE Pressing Apple-C will center the line of text
    that the cursor is on.
    The left and right-most characters on the line determine how it will
    be positioned. If you are creating a screen that will have borders,
    center the text first. If you make your borders first, no positioning
    commands will have any effect.

    Apple-L & R: LEFT & RIGHT JUSTIFY Pressing Apple-L or Apple-R will
    position the line of text at the cursor to the far left or far right
    of the screen. The border note under "Apple-C" (above) applies here

    Apple-V: VERTICAL TYPING This command is especially useful for title
    screen creation, but it is also suitable for creating acrostics and
    acronyms. Press Apple-V and the cursor will change to a "^". All text
    will now be typed vertically. Press Apple-V again to get back on the

    To make a simple border, use inverse spaces (press Apple-I first) and
    use vertical typing to enter the sides. You might want to make the
    sides two characters wide so the thickness is comparable to the top
    and bottom rows.

    Apple-Delete: DELETE TEXT Pressing the Delete key alone simply prints
    a block character on the screen. Apple-Delete, however, clears varying
    portions of the screen, depending on how often it is pressed.
    Press Apple-Delete once to clear text from the cursor to the end of
    the line.
    Press it a 2nd time to clear everything else on that same line.
    Press it a 3rd time to clear everything to the bottom of the screen.
    Press it a 4th time to erase the entire screen. In other words, to
    erase the entire screen, hold down the Apple key, and press the Delete
    key four times. Accidental deletions may be undone (see "Apple-U:
    Note: This command uses the "Delete" key. Don't confuse it with
    Apple-D, which is used in duplicating blocks of text.

    Tab & Apple-Tab: TABBING Press the Tab key to move the cursor to the
    next tab setting (indicated on the tab rulers at the top and bottom of
    the screen). Existing text will not be affected.
    Pressing Apple-Tab moves the cursor back to the previous tab stop.
    Note: The tab settings cannot be adjusted.
    Another Note: Tab is the same as Control-I.

    Apple-T: TAB RULERS OFF/ON Pressing Apple-T turns the tab rulers at
    the top and bottom of the screen on and off. These rulers are
    primarily useful for helping you "eyeball" the position of the cursor.
    Note: You can't type over the tab rulers. To use the top and bottom
    screen lines, turn off the rulers first. Restoring the rulers will
    temporarily hide your text, but won't erase it.
    Note: The screen scrolling commands (page 11) will not work with the
    tab rulers on. Several other commands automatically turn the rulers

    Apple-I: INVERSE TEXT Note: Inverse text will be sent to your printer
    as normal-looking characters. (Don't blame us; blame your printer.)
    Pressing Apple-I toggles inverse text mode (black on white) on and
    back off again. Try it and see.
    Depending on your Apple, you may not be able to display inverse lower
    case. Turn on MouseText (if your Apple has it; see below) to get
    inverse lower case.

    Apple-A: APPLE MOUSETEXT Note: MouseText text will be sent to your
    printer as normal-looking characters. (Don't blame us; blame your
    Pressing Apple-A toggles MouseText off and on if you have an Apple IIc
    or an enhanced (newer-model) Ile. MouseText. upper-case characters are
    graphic symbols (see the back of your Peeks & Pokes chart). Lower-case characters will appear as inverse lower-case.
    "FGFGFG...". (But wait: Apple has announced that they will be
    eliminating this little feller from future Apples. If you don't see
    him on your screen, that's why.)

    Apple-D: DUPLICATE A BLOCK To duplicate a block of text on the screen:
    1. Put the cursor on a corner of the block you want to duplicate.
    2. Press Apple-D. A number "1" will mark the spot. (You may press Esc
    at any time to leave the duplication mode.)
    3. Move the cursor (now a "2") to the diagonally opposite corner of
    the block to be duplicated, and press Return.
    4. Move the cursor (now a "D") to the upper-left corner of the block's
    future location and press Return.
    The entire block must fit at the new location. A beep means that the
    limit has been reached. For example, if you're duplicating a block 80 characters wide, you'll only be able to move the "D" cursor

    Apple-M: MOVE A BLOCK The procedure for moving a block of text is
    virtually identical to that for duplicating, except that the original
    block of text is erased. Substitute Apple-M for Apple-D in step 2
    above. The cursor in step 4 will be an "M" instead of a "D".

    Apple-U: UNDO A MISTAKE You may press Apple-U to undo screen changes
    after certain operations. Apple-U must be pressed immediately after
    the change has been made (that is, before doing anything else). It
    works after the delete, move and copy commands, and after screen
    scrolling and line positioning.
    Although it's great for undoing mistakes, Apple-U also comes in handy
    when you want to see how moving or copying a block affects the screen,
    without committing yourself to the new layout.

    Apple-P: PRINT THE SCREEN When you want a "hard copy" of the current
    screen display, just press Apple-P. CRT.WRITER assumes that your
    printer is in slot 1. You may press Esc at any time to stop printing.
    MouseText and Inverse characters will be printed as normal characters.

    Apple-K: CATALOG THE DISK Press Apple-K to catalog (katalog?) drive 1.
    Hold down the right-Apple key too if you want to catalog the disk in
    drive 2.
    Technical note: If you want to let CRT.WRITER catalog a subdirectory
    or the RAM disk, change variables K1$ and K2$ in line 5 of the
    program. K1$="" would catalog the current directory, K1$="/TEST/SUB"
    will always catalog the SUB subdirectory of disk "/TEST" and so on.

    Apple-S: SAVE THE SCREEN When your masterpiece is complete, press
    Apple-S and you will be asked for the screen name. Enter a legal
    ProDOS file name (or full pathname) like "TITLE". You may specify slot
    and drive values if you want (like "TITLE,D2). Be sure to use a unique
    name so you don't overwrite screens that are already on the disk.
    Saved screens are identical in format to those created with the
    SAVE.80 program (page 71). To load a screen called "ABC", simply type
    "-ABC" from Applesoft, or use this command in a program:
    10 PRINT CHR$ (4) "-ABC"

    Apple-G: GET (LOAD) A SCREEN Press Apple-G to show everyone why you
    worked on your computer all weekend. When you're asked for the screen
    name, type in the name you used to save it. After the screen is
    loaded, it can be modified and resaved under another name (or the same
    name if you want to erase the old version).
    Screens created with the SAVE.80 program (page 71) may also be read by CRT.WRITER.
    Apple-Q: QUIT Although you'll probably never want to use this option,
    it may be necessary from time to time. Press Apple-Q, and you will be
    asked if you want to quit. Type "Y" followed by Return to exit to
    Applesoft. Any key but "Y" will let you stay in CRT.WRITER.

    Feel free to use CRT.WRITER to create screens for any programs that
    you write. We simply ask for a little credit. Just acknowledge your
    use of CRT.WRITER in the documentation and send Randy Brandt and Bert
    Kersey 75% of your gross sales. 25%? 10%? Oh, never mind...
    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From Bill Garber@willy46pa@comcast.net to comp.sys.apple2 on Sunday, July 20, 2003 00:52:48
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    "Michael Spangler" <mspangler@gemsi.com> wrote in message news:1a410081.0307191726.2c070785@posting.google.com...
    I have scanned in the manual to Beagle Bros Big U manual. hoefully
    I've got it punched down to ascii. It kept trying to be modern for me,
    which is not what i wanted.

    Ok, I took your posted manual, formatted it into 2 pdf
    chunks and posted it on GarberStreet's download page.
    You can either display them, or save them to your hard
    drives. Please check it out and let me know if I did good.

    Thank you much,

    Bill @ GarberStreet Enterprises };-)
    Web Site - http://garberstreet.netfirms.com
    Email - willy46pa@comcast.net

    This email ain't infected, dude!

    Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
    Version: 6.0.500 / Virus Database: 298 - Release Date: 7/11/03

    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From Wayne Stewart@waynes@telus.dotnet to comp.sys.apple2 on Monday, July 21, 2003 07:27:16
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Nice work Michael

    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113