• big U part 4

    From mspangler@mspangler@gemsi.com (Michael Spangler) to comp.sys.apple2 on Saturday, July 19, 2003 18:30:29
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    the prodos commands and the rest.

    Big U's COMMAND Programs
    Each Big U Command .program gives you at least one new ProDOS command.
    All commands are loaded or "installed" by typing a hyphen ("-")
    followed by the file name. The new commands may then be used just like
    regular ProDOS commands--from immediate mode (the keyboard) or from
    deferred mode (within a program) preceded by PRINT CHR$(4).

    Never load (or "install") the same command more than once. Not only
    will you waste memory, but ProDOS might hang up in an endless loop
    which can only be broken by rebooting. Type "-BASIC.SYSTEM" to start
    over and get rid of extra commands.

    Items in [square brackets] are optional. Items in UPPER CASE must be
    typed as shown. Items in lower case are parameters supplied by you.

    Install only once: Type "-ANYCAT"
    New command: ANYCAT
    Function: Catalogs DOS 3.3 disks under ProDOS control.
    Syntax: ANYCAT [,S slot] [,D drive]
    Comments: DOS 3.3 deleted files will be displayed as file type "D". An
    inverse character will appear to the far right of each deleted file
    name. When the catalog pauses, press Esc to exit, or any other key to
    see more files.
    If a ProDOS disk is present, the normal "CAT" command will take over.
    If a prefix is set, it will be used instead of the slot and drive.
    Example: Type "ANYCAT,S6,D2" to catalog the DOS 3.3 disk in slot 6,
    drive 2. If a ProDOS disk is there, a "CAT" command will be executed.

    COPY and COPY.1
    Install only once: Type "-COPY" or "-COPY.1" Use COPY.] if you only
    have one drive. New command: COPY
    Function: Copies files from disk to disk.
    Syntax: COPY pathnamel, pathname2
    Comments: "pathnamel" is the file to be copied, and "pathname2" is the
    file to be created. "pathname2" cannot be an existing file.
    COPY.1's COPY requires 2 full pathnames (both starting with "/").
    COPY's COPY, however, will substitute the current prefix if you don't
    supply it (see last example on this page).
    Directory (DIR) files cannot be copied.
    You cannot COPY between disks with the same name. You may, however,
    quickly rename disks by typing a command like "RENAME /DISKA,/DISKB".
    Type "COPY /BIG.U/COPY, /MYDISK/COPY" to copy COPY onto your disk.
    Type "COPY FILE, FILE.A" to make a backup copy of a file on the same
    In programs, you may use strings as pathnames:
    10 PRINT CHR$(4);"COPY";A$:",";B$
    With COPY (not COPY.1), you may take advantage of the current prefix.
    For example, there are two ways to copy TEST from /DISKA to /DISKB:
    2. Or type "PREFIX, D2" (DISKB's location),
    Then type "COPY /DISKA/TEST, TEST".

    Compatibility: See Comments below.
    Install only once: Type "-DUMP"
    New command: DUMP
    Function: Type "DUMP" to print the entire text screen to a slot 1
    printer. DUMP determines whether 40 or 80 columns are being viewed,
    and prints accordingly. Press Esc to stop early.
    Comments: DUMP is compatible with Apple IIc's and most 80-column
    IIe's. Use the DUMP.40 program (page 39) if you don't have an
    80-column display, or use DUMP.80 if your 80-column card doesn't work
    with the DUMP command. See page 39 if you get blank lines in your
    80-column dumps. DUMP won't let you crop or print graphics. Use Beagle
    Bros' Triple-Dump disk instead.
    Example: Type "CAT" in 40 or 80 columns. Then type
    "DUMP" to send the screen to the printer.

    EST (ProDos 1.1.1 only)
    Install only once: Type "-EST".
    New commands: ERASE, SPACE and TIME
    Type "ERASE" to effectively erase the Applesoft program in memory
    (RENEW should restore it), reset all Applesoft pointers and the ProDOS
    bit map, turn off 80 columns and execute NORMAL, TEXT and SPEED=255.
    ProDOS commands added after EST was installed will be lost when you
    type "ERASE". ERASE is similar to 3.3's FP command.
    Type "SPACE" to show the disk volume name and free space for the disk
    in the last drive accessed. Do not use this command from inside a
    Type "TIME" to display the time and date stored in memory. This
    command cannot change the values; to do that, use the DATE.SET program
    (page 63). If your Apple has a clock, you can use TIME in a program
    like this:

    10 VTAB 1: HTAB 24: PRINT CHR$(4); "TIME": GOTO 10

    Install only once: Type "-HEX".
    New commands and functions:
    XC: Hex/dec/bin converter (page 50)
    XD: Memory disassembler (page 50)
    XP: Register and flag displayer (page 51)
    XS: Hex/Ascii memory scanner (page 51)
    Comments: Any leading "X" is considered to be a command when entered
    from the keyboard, so type a colon before defining variables that
    start with X (not necessary from within programs). For example, with
    HEX installed, if you type "X=5", you'll get a ProDOS "Syntax Error"
    message. Typing ":X=5" will works normally.

    HEX.H (ProDos 1.1.1 only)
    HEX.H is the same as HEX (above), but it "hides" inside BASIC.SYSTEM
    from $BB4C.BC79 so that no programming memory is used.
    HEX.H may be added to BASIC.SYSTEM so that it is installed when you
    boot, at no cost in memory:
    1. Boot a backup copy of the Big U disk.
    2. Type "-HEX.H" to install HEX.H.
    3. Type "CALL -151" to enter the monitor.
    4. Type "BLOAD BASIC.SYSTEM,TSYS,A$2000".
    5. Type "454C<BB4C.BC79M" to move HEX.H into BASIC.SYSTEM.
    6. Type "4707: 50 BB" to point the external command to HEX.H.
    6. Type "BSAVE BASIC.SYSTEM,TSYS,A$2000".
    7. Reboot and try some HEX commands.
    Negative numbers will not be shown in the result when XC (next page)
    is used with HEX.H, although negative numbers may still be entered.

    XC (HEX command 1 of 4)
    Function: Convert a number to hexadecimal, binary, decimal and
    negative decimal. Syntax: XC [,E number]
    Comments: "number" is any decimal number from 0 to 65535, any hex "$"
    number from $0 to $FFFF, or any negative decimal number from -1 to
    -32768. Typing "XC" without a number will repeat the last number
    converted. HEX.H's XC will not convert to negative decimal.
    Example: Type "XC,E-151" to convert -151 to hex, binary, decimal and
    negative decimal. The same result would be achieved by typing
    "XC,E$FF69" or "XC,E65385".

    XQ (HEX command 2 of 4)
    Function: Disassemble memory. This is an enhanced version of the
    monitor List command. Syntax: XD [,E address] [,L lines]
    Comments: "address" is the decimal or hex location where you want to
    start disassembly. "lines" determines how many lines (1-255) will be disassembled. Because a line can contain 1 to 3 three bytes, the
    actual amount of memory disassembled will vary. If you specify a large
    number of lines, you can pause the listing by pressing Control-S. Any
    key continues. Typing "XD" will repeat the last disassembly.
    Example: Type "XD,E$FBD9,L11" to see the speaker beep code. Continue
    viewing 11-line segments of memory by typing "XD,E address" only.
    Free Tip: To print a machine language listing, preview it on the
    screen using the XD command. When you see what you like, type "PR#1"
    and then "XD" to repeat the listing on your printer.

    XP (HEX command 3 of 4)
    Function: Display the 6502 registers and flags. Syntax: XP . Example:
    Type "XP". The screen will show:
    A=04 X=8C Y=00 P=2B S=98
    Comments: AA and Y are registers; P is the processor status register
    and S is the stack pointer. The processor is repeated in binary. Its
    flags from left (bit 7) to right (bit 0) are: N (negative), V
    (overflow), "-" (unused), B (break), D (decimal), I (interrupt), Z
    (zero), and C (carry). Bits are considered set if 1, or clear if zero.
    For example, a BCS (Branch on Carry Set) instruction would branch if a
    "1" appears under the "C".
    The register values are taken from the storage area at $45.$49. To see
    what flags are set when P=9, just type "POKE 72,9" followed by "XP";
    or type "CALL -151" followed by "48:9" and "XP".

    XS (HEX command 4 of 4)
    Function: Scan memory in hex and ASCII. Syntax: XS [,E address] [,L
    Comments: "address" is the starting address of memory, and "lines" is
    the number of lines displayed (independent of the bytes per line).
    XS displays 8 bytes per line on a 40-column screen, and 16 bytes per
    line in 80 columns.
    "XS" with no parameters repeats the last scan.
    Example: Type "XS,E$B878,L20" to see the ProDOS command table. Typing
    "XS,E address" will then continue to show 20-line segments of memory.

    MON (ProDos 1.1.1 only)
    Install only once: Tpe "-MON"
    New commands: MON and NOMON
    Function: Turn ProDOS monitoring on and off
    (similar to 3.3's MON and NOMON commands).
    The MON command will echo the following ProDOS commands to the screen:
    data being input after a READ or printed after a WRITE will also be
    shown on the screen.

    CREATE, DELETE and OPEN will show the pathnames involved. The others
    will give the pathnames for the first two open files, and open files
    from 3 to 8 will be referenced by number.

    Syntax: MON [,R rate] Syntax: NOMON "rate" is either 0 (zero) or 1.
    Use zero for continuous operation and 1 for single-step (press a key
    to continue). If NOMON has been used, typing "MON" will return to
    monitoring with the same "rate" setting used previously.
    Type "MON". Now type an illegal command like "CATS" to see ProDOS's
    "Close All", "Flush All" and "Syntax Error" messages.
    Type "MON,R1" followed by "CAT" to single-step through a catalog
    listing. Type "MON,RO" to return to continuous MONitored operation. .
    Type "NOMON" to turn off monitoring.
    IMPORTANT: Turn MON off, reboot or type "BYE" before using a SYS
    program like Apple's FILER.
    Why? Because MON intercepts MLI calls at $BFOO in the ProDOS global
    page. The original addresses are reset by NOMON, and by MON when "BYE"
    is used.

    Install only once: Type "-ONLINE"
    New command: ONLINE
    Function: Lists the current ProDOS volume names for each of your
    drives. If slot and drive are specified, only that drive is checked.
    Syntax: ONLINE [,S slot] [,D drive]
    Type "ONLINE" to display volume names for all drives. Or type
    "ONLINE,S6,D2" to display the volume name for slot 6, drive 2 only.

    Install only once: Type "-SEE"
    New command: SEE
    Function: Lets you view any program on a disk without loading it.
    SEE will print text (TXT) files as well as Applesoft program (BAS)
    files. Other file types may be dumped too, but not as effectively.
    Syntax: SEE pathname [,S slot] [,D drive]
    Comments: "pathname" is any filename. Press any key to pause a
    listing, followed by Esc to exit, or any other key to continue.
    Examples: Type "SEE/BIG.U/STARTUP" to display Big U's Applesoft (BAS)
    startup program.
    You can use SEE in a program (Esc to quit):
    10 PRINT CHR$(4)"SEE PRODOS,S6,D1"
    PRODOS is a binary (SYS) file. Text (TXT) files look better, but there
    are none on the Big U disk.

    Install only once: Type "-SHOW"
    New command: SHOW
    Function: Load a normal hi-res image from disk and/or reveal the
    hi-res screen without clearing it.
    For double hi-res, use SHOW.WIPE (next page).
    Syntax: SHOW [pathname] [,A page] [,F format] [,S slot] [,D drive]
    "pathname" is the name of a picture to see.
    "page" is a number: 1=page 1, 2=page 2
    "format" is a number: 0=full graphics, 1=mixed graphics and text. If
    no format value is given, 0 is assumed.
    Run the file called "RANDY.BRANDT" to see a demo of how SHOW can be
    Type "SHOW,A1" to reveal all of hi-res page 1 without erasing it
    (works like HGR, but doesn't erase and doesn't include four text
    Type "SHOW" to reveal the last screen accessed (full graphics, no
    Type "SHOW PIC,A2" to load a hi-res picture named "PIC" to page 2 and
    reveal it.

    SHOW.WIPE (128k required)
    Install only once: Type "-SHOW.WIPE"
    New commands: SHOW and WIPE

    SHOW (SHOW.WIPE command 1 of 2)
    Function: Loads a single or double hi-res image from disk and/or
    reveals the normal or double hi-res screen without clearing. SHOW
    works only with Beagle Graphics' two-file picture format.
    Syntax: Same as on previous page, except a third "page" parameter is
    allowed: 1=hi-res page 1, 2=hi-res page 2, 3=double hi-res.
    For double hi-res picture names, SHOW expects the second file to end
    in ".AUX".
    Examples: Type "SHOW DOUBLE,A3" to load the files "DOUBLE" and
    "DOUBLE.AUX" and display them as one double hi-res picture. Or simply
    type "SHOW,A3" to reveal the double hi-res screen.

    WIPE (SHOW.WIPE command 2 of 2)
    Function: Reformats (erases) the ProDOS RAM disk.
    Syntax: WIPE [,A3]
    Comments: "WIPE" reformats /RAM. "WIPE,A3" does the same, but also
    saves hi-res page 1 in a /RAM file called "DHGR.AUX", thus protecting
    double hi-res graphics memory from being overwritten. It also protects
    future /RAM files from being overwritten by double hi-res graphics.
    Type "WIPE" to erase all /RAM files. Type "CAT/RAM" to see the blank
    Load a normal hi-res picture to page 1. Now type "SHOW,A3" followed by "WIPE,A3".

    Install only once: Type "-XLISTER"
    New command: XLIST
    Function: Displays Applesoft programs in improved list format. Each
    statement is listed on a new line. For-Next loops are indented, and
    statements following IF'S are marked with a "*". See the sample
    printout on the next page.
    Syntax: XLIST [*] [line number or range]
    Specify single lines or ranges just like in Applesoft's LIST command.
    Because XLIST is a ProDOS command, it can be entered in lower case
    (and even be used from the monitor!).
    Type "XLIST*" to list to a printer in slot 1. With printer listings,
    you get page breaks and page numbers. If your program starts with a
    REM statement, that statement will appear as a header at the top of
    each page. If you're using ProDOS 1.1.1, XLISTER will automatically
    print the date and time in each header.
    Examples: Type "XLIST -100" to display lines 0-100 on the screen. Or
    type "XLIST* 10,20" to send lines 10 through 20 to your printer.
    In the example program below-You can type "RUN" to RUN it. You can
    type "RUN2' to SAVE it. You can type "RUN1" to XLIST it to printer.
    Each page of the printer listing will have line 0's REM printed on the
    top. To print only part of the program, add the line range to line 1.
    1 PRINT CHR$(4);"XLIST*" : END
    Sample Program XLISTing:
    15 HGR
    :PRINT CHR$(21)
    :VTAB 22
    20 FOR X=0 TO 279
    POKE 228,99+X/99
    HPLOT 0,0 TO X,159
    IF X<160 THEN GOSUB 90
    * : HPLOT 0 ,0 TO 279,X
    * :GOTO 30
    25 GOSUB 1
    30 NEXT
    :HTAB 1
    :PRINT "DONE"'
    :CALL -868
    90 VTAB 22
    :HTAB 1
    100 :HTAB 1

    XLISTER contains eight printer enhancement bytes which may be used to
    turn on printer options such as compressed, bold, etc. Here's how to
    use them:
    1. Type "BLOAD XLISTER".
    2. Get out your printer manual and look up the hex codes for the
    desired printer options.
    3. Type "CALL-151" to enter the monitor.
    4. Type "4599:00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00", replacing the 00's with the
    proper codes.
    5. Type "CALL 16384" to install the modified XLISTER, or type "BSAVE
    XLISTER" to make the changes permanent.

    Big U's UTILITY Programs

    BEEPERWORKS Requires Appleworks
    This program is for AppleWorks users only (versions 1.1 or 1.2). Even
    though we don't get paid to endorse AppleWorks, we'll let it be known
    that we use it for all of our word-processing needs. Its error beep,
    however, can get just a little annoying, especially when you make as
    many errors as we do. Thanks to BEEPERWORKS, your ears can at least
    get a little variety.

    1. Type "-BEEPERWORKS" and a familiar screen will appear. Insert a
    working copy of your AppleWorks Startup disk (not the Program disk),
    and follow the instructions on the screen. If you can use AppleWorks,
    you can use this program.
    2. Select option 2 from the main menu. The Beep Change Menu will be
    displayed, with values for the beep's pitch, duration and pause. Three
    sets of these values are shown; the current values, the boot-up values
    (stored on your disk), and AppleWorks' original values.
    3. Do some experimenting, and pick the beep you like. We like the
    pitch at 20, the duration at 180, and the pause at 50. Pick your own
    4. When you're done, use the main menu save option to make your new
    beep a "permanent" part of AppleWorks.
    Hats off to AppleWorks for being unprotected!

    BIGLINER is used to give your Applesoft programs "illegal" program
    lines numbered 65535. This prevents the average human from deleting or otherwise messing with those program lines, unless of course, he or
    she has a copy of BIGLINER! Line 65535 is commonly used to store
    Copyright notices in Rem statements.
    For some reason, Applesoft does not allow line numbers higher than
    63999. Therefore, line 65535 cannot be deleted. No Goto's, Then's or
    Gosub's can access it either, but the program will work normally

    Load a backup copy of an Applesoft program and try the following
    1. Type "-BIGLINER". You will see a menu offering you four choices,
    followed by a listing of the highest legally-numbered line (if there
    is one).
    2. Press "L" to list the entire Applesoft program. Pause with
    Control-S, or quit with Control-C.
    3. Press "R" to raise the listed line number to number 65535. The
    highest legal line listed will be replaced.
    4. Press "L" to list the program. The last line listed will now be
    5. Press "C" to change the first line 65535 to 63000. If line 63000 is
    present in the program, the next available line number will be used.
    BIGLINER only changes the line numbers themselves; it doesn't check to
    see if the line is referenced by another statement.
    6. To quit, press "Q".

    CAT.DATER (ProDos 1.1.1 only)
    This is a small Applesoft program that makes the current ProDOS date
    and time appear following the directory name at the top of each
    catalog. If you don't have a clock/calendar in your Apple, use the
    DATE.SET program (page 63) to set the date first.
    USING CAT.DATER Type "-CAT.DATER". Then type "CAT" or "CATALOG" to see
    the date in your catalog.
    TECHNICAL NOTES: CAT.DATER is relocatable, so its address (variable AD
    in line 10) may be changed if you want to use page 3 of memory for
    other purposes. The existing setting allows it to be compatible with
    the CAT.FIXER (next page) and CAT.STEPPER (below).

    CAT.STEPPER (ProDos 1.1.1 only)
    This program modifies the catalog routine so that you can "step"
    through a directory one or more files at a time.
    Type "-CAT.STEPPER" to install the routine. Now your catalogs will
    pause every 19 files, about one screenful. Press the space bar to step
    one file at a time, or any other key to continue. Control-C exits the
    catalog, as usual.
    You may adjust the number of file names between pauses by Poking a
    number into location 838. For example, typing "POKE 838,5" would pause
    every 5 file names.

    CAT.FIXER (ProDos 1.1.1 only)
    This program lets you enhance the functions of the "CATALOG" and "CAT" commands. The "Multiple File" options are handy for printer printouts
    of catalogs in multiple columns.
    USING CAT.FIXER Type "-CAT.FIXER" to get the program going. For
    reference, we have added letters A through G to the screen below:
    CAT COMMAND CATALOG COMMAND ------------------ ----------------------
    SMART 40/80 B AUTO 80-COLUMN

    40-COLUMN SCREEN 80-COLUMN SCREEN ---------------- -------------------- NORMAL CAT E TWO FILES/LINE

    CAT/CATALOG OPTIONS (top half of screen):
    Use the arrow keys to move the flashing pointer to the set of options
    (A, B, C or D) that you want. (If your Apple can't display 80-columns,
    only options A and D are appropriate.):
    A: CAT acts normal.
    CATALOG acts normal.
    B: CAT acts like CATALOG if 80-columns visible.
    CATALOG auto-switches to 80-column screen.
    C: CAT makes multiple-columns.
    CATALOG auto-switches to 80-column screen.
    D: CAT makes multiple-columns.
    CATALOG acts normal.
    Press Return to select option A, B, C or D. If you select option A or
    B, skip to step 3. Selecting options C and D will move the pointer
    down to the bottom half of the screen. Press Esc to exit the program.
    2. MULTIPLE-FILE OPTIONS (bottom half of screen):
    The options on the lower half of the screen apply to the CAT command
    only. Use the arrow keys to move the pointer to the set of options (E,
    F or G) that you want:
    E: 40-columns: normal CAT.
    80-columns: 2 file names per line.
    F: 40-columns: 2 file names per line.
    80-columns: 4 file names per line.
    G: 40-columns: Unreadable
    80-columns: S file names per line.
    Press Return to select option E, F or G; or press Esc to go back to
    options A, B, C and D.
    3. DEMO: Press "D" to test your new CAT or CATALOG display. Or press
    Esc to skip the demo. Press Esc once more to quit the program.

    CAT.FIXER alters ProDOS's Catalog function in memory. To get things
    back to normal, type "-CAT.FIXER" and select option A. Or reboot, or
    type "-BASIC.SYSTEM".

    DATE.SET (ProDos 1.1.1 only)
    If you don't have a clock/calendar for your Apple, use this program to
    set the date and time which will appear next to your saved file names
    (instead of "<NO DATE>").
    1. Type "-DATE.SET" to load the program.
    2. Type "CALL 20000" to run it.
    When you CALL 20000, the current date and time in memory will be
    displayed. If no valid date is present, the date stored in DATE.SET
    itself will appear.
    CHANGING THE VALUES Press the Left and Right Arrow keys to highlight
    the day, month, year, hours or minutes. Then press the Up and Down
    Arrows (or A and Z) to increase or decrease each one. (A "<NO DATE"
    option lies between December and January.) When you're satisfied,
    press Return. Or press Esc to exit with the original values restored.
    Here is a sample time-set program that you could save under the name
    "STARTUP" so it will run each time you boot a particular disk:

    10 D$=CHR$ (4): HOME: DS=20000: REM DS = DATE.SET ADDRESS

    Line 30 in the program above saves DATE.SET with the new date if a
    change has occurred. With this program on your boot disk, the last
    boot date will always be given as the default value.
    In case you're interested, DATE.SET stores a zero in byte 19999 if the
    user exits with a date identical to the one stored in DATE.SET.

    DISK.COPY.MORE is a program which modifies Extra K's DISK.COPY program
    to work with 38-track (instead of normal 35track) disks (see pages 29
    and 31). If you don't have Extra K, go buy it. We'll wait here.

    Type "-DISK.COPY.MORE" to run the program. When prompted, insert the
    Extra K disk and press Return. If you only have one 38 track drive,
    you must use a one-drive copy and do some disk swapping. To make
    things easier, put DISK.COPY.MORE and DISK.COPY on a 38-track disk
    along with a 304-block version of ProDOS (page 31).
    If you have a special 40-track drive, here's how to upgrade
    DISK.COPY.MORE to work with it:

    2. Type "CALL -151".
    3. Type "404A: 28" (Hex for 40).
    4. Type "40A9: 34 30" (ASCII for 40).
    If you want, you can look up your own hex and Ascii values for 39 or
    8-track drives and plug them in.

    Type "-ERROR.EDITOR" to change any of ProDOS's 19 error messages. The
    standard error messages will be displayed on the left half of the
    screen. The right side will show "-SAME-" if the message has not been

    1. Press "E" to begin editing. The center message will be highlighted
    by an inverse bar.
    2. Use the arrow keys to move to the message you wish to change. Then
    press Return.
    3. Type your new message. You may use letters of the alphabet (except
    J, Q & Z); and the characters "/", "(", ")", ".", and ":". Press Esc
    if you don't want to change the message, or press Return when you're
    4. Select another message to edit if you want, or press Esc to leave
    edit mode.
    The words at the bottom of the screen tells you:
    LENGTH of your new message as you type it (20 characters maximum).
    AVAILABLE NIBBLES for your message. A nibble is half a byte. Some
    characters count as one nibble, and some count as two. A click will be
    heard whenever a two-nibble character is entered or deleted. Your
    message is limited to the available nibbles or 20 characters maximum.
    ALTERED is the number of messages changed so far.
    UPDATING BASIC.SYSTEM If you quit ERROR.EDITOR, your new error
    messages will be in effect until you reboot. (Test them with an
    illegal command or two.) If you want the new messages to be in effect
    every time you boot, you will need to update BASIC.SYSTEM on your
    boot-up disk:

    1. Press "U" to update ProDOS's BASIC.SYSTEM file. You will be asked
    2. Press "Y" to update BASIC.SYSTEM in the main directory of slot 6,
    drive 1. Or press "D" to toggle between drives 1 and 2. Press any
    other key to skip updating. Note: If you have renamed BASIC.SYSTEM,
    change the variable S$ in line 5.

    Press "N" from the editor menu to normalize the messages in memory.
    Then press "U" to normalize the messages on disk.
    EXITING Leave the editor by pressing "Q" for Quit. Type "RUN" to
    restart the program with your altered error messages intact.

    To test ProDOS's "Syntax Error" messages, type something illegal like
    "CAT3". Typing something illegal like "COTALOG" will give you
    Applesoft's "?Syntax Error" message instead. You can't change this
    message, unless you buy a copy of our Beagle Basic disk.
    RAM.SAVE 128K required
    RAM.SAVE will copy all of your current RAM disk files onto a floppy
    disk in seconds, providing "permanent" storage for them. RAM.LOAD
    (next page) will load the files back into /RAM.

    1. Save a few files on /RAM in slot 3, drive 2.
    2. Type "-RAM.SAVE".
    3. Insert an erasable formatted disk into slot 6, drive 1 (or the
    drive you are set up for--see page 69). Warning: All previous files on
    the flopav will be erased.
    4. Press Return. All of the /RAM files will be copied onto the floppy
    disk. Until you reformat it, this disk will not hold more than 119
    blocks (about half of normal).
    5. Catalog the floppy. It is now called "/RAM", and contains the same
    files as the original /RAM in slot 3, drive 2.

    A phantom disk named "/RAM" lives in imaginary slot 3, drive 2 of 128K
    Apples with ProDOS. It has the advantage of letting you load and save
    files into memory at lightning speed. The problem is, RAM disk files
    disappear when the power goes off.
    The RAM disk works just like any disk, except it is fast and only
    holds 119 blocks-worth of files. To test your RAM disk:
    1. Load a program.
    2. Type "SAVE /RAM/FILENAME".
    3. Type "CAT/RAM" or "CAT,S3,D2".
    4. Or type "PREFIX/RAM" followed by "CAT".
    Get the picture? If not, you probably don't have 128K or you're not
    working with ProDOS.

    RAM.LOAD loads files into /RAM from a floppy disk created by RAM.SAVE
    (previous page).
    1. Type "-RAM.LOAD".
    2. When prompted, insert your special floppy disk that was created
    with RAM.SAVE. Warning: use only special /RAM disks created by
    RAM.SAVE or semi-disaster will surely result!
    3. Press Return to load all of the special floppy's files into /RAM.
    FLOPPY /RAM NOTE You may add to or delete files from the /RAM floppy
    as long as the floppy was created by RAM.SAVE.

    This program lets you configure the RAM.SAVE and RAM.LOAD programs for
    the following two characteristics:
    I. The slot and drive that files will be copied to and from.
    2. Whether or not you want the program to pause and prompt you to
    insert a disk. The pause option prompts you to insert the /RAM floppy
    and press Return before file copying begins. The no-pause option
    immediately begins reading and writing data. Use the nopause option
    only if RAM.LOAD will be used on the /RAM floppy. Then you can insert
    it, type "-RAM.LOAD" and everything else will be automatic.
    1. Type "-RAM.SETUP".
    2. Follow the instructions on the screen.

    You may want to rename RAM.LOAD and RAM.SAVE to reflect the slot and
    drive selected. For example, RAM.SAVE.S6.D2 could be the version that
    works with drive 2. To do this, insert your own diskette before saving
    the configured program. After it's saved, type "RENAME RAM.SAVE, RAM.SAVE.S6.D2".

    RENEW is a short routine for restoring Applesoft programs which have
    been zapped by a "NEW" command. Type "-RENEW immediately after "NEW"
    has been typed. If it works, hooray! If not, retype your program.

    This program will print the date your Applesoft program was last Run
    and the number of times it has ever been Run, each time it is Run. You
    need to append your program to ours. Here's how you do it:
    1. Type "-APPENDER" (unless the APPENDER program is already in
    2. Type "LOAD RUN.COUNTER".
    3. Type "&STORE" to hide the program.
    4. Load the Applesoft program that you want to use with RUN.COUNTER.
    5. Make sure your program has no program lines numbered lower than 9.
    6. Type "&RECALL" to append the two programs.
    7. Change the value of P$ in line 1 to the name of your program. For
    example: 1 P$="MY.FILE"
    8. Re-save your program using the name in line 1.
    Your program is now ready to use. Every time it is Run, the program
    name will be printed on the screen with the Run number and last used
    date. After you enter today's date, the Rem in line zero will be
    updated and the program will be re-saved under the name defined by P$.
    To prevent the Run number from printing, delete program line 4. To
    prevent the date from printing, delete line 5.

    SAVE.40 and SAVE.80
    These programs let you save 40-and 80-column text screens on disk. You
    may view the saved screens by typing a hyphen followed by the name of
    the saved screen. 80column files are compatible with those created by CRT.WRITER.

    I. Bload SAVE.40
    2. CALL 20134
    I. Bload SAVE.80
    2. CALL 20010
    After the CALL, the screen will be copied to a buffer on hi-res page
    2, and you will be asked for a file name (a legal ProDOS pathname,
    which may include slot and drive). The screen will then be saved. To
    prevent your typed message from being saved, you should always save
    screens from within your programs. For example:

    10 PRINT CHR$(4)"BLOAD SAVE.80"
    30 CALL 20010 : REM SAVE SCREEN

    Now that you've saved a screen or two, type "HOME" and then
    "-filename" (substitute your saved screen's name for "filename").
    Loading an 80-column screen automatically switches to 80-column
    display. Try this miniexample:
    2 HOME : GET X$ : CALL 20366 : REM USE CALL 20416 FOR 40-COLUMNS
    The CALL in line 2 keeps recopying the screen from its buffer.

    (Deleted. See other references for this information)

    Most of the BIG U AMPER and COMMAND programs take away some
    programming memory by moving HIMEM down and installing themselves
    above the ProDOS buffers. The following list shows how much memory is
    used by each program:
    One-pagers (256 bytes): APPENDER, DUMP.40, DUMP.80, EST, ONLINE and
    Two-pagers (512 bytes): ANYCAT, COPY, COPY.ONE, DUMP, HEX, INPUT.40,
    Four-pager (1024 bytes): MON
    Five-pager (1280 bytes): XLISTER

    Page 3 is the memory from $300 to $3FF (768.1023 decimal). ProDOS
    reserves everything from $3D0 on, leaving 208 bytes free for
    programmers. Here's how BIG U divides it up:
    Program Hex Decimal
    CAT.STEPPER 300.34A 768.842
    CAT.DATER 34B.35D 843.861
    CAT.FIXER 35E.375 862.885
    Unused Memory 376.3B0 886.944
    KEYCAT (Reset Versian) 3B1.3CF 945.975
    PRODOS 3D0.3FF 976.1023

    (Deleted due to the page numbers no longer making sense.)
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