• Re: More details on CS Doom 64 (fwd)

    From kiethl@kiethl@theriver.com (Keith) to comp.sys.cbm on Sunday, January 25, 2004 15:52:07
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.cbm

    mikec_cbm@hotmail.com (mikec) wrote in message news:<1121cdb3.0401240419.52dc386a@posting.google.com>...

    Our ideas for DOOM64 will mark a new standard in C64 gaming

    I guess this is the statement that I have the most problem with
    because there are two side to every game. There's the technical accomplishments and there's the game play.

    Although it would be fun and very cool to be able to get something
    like Doom up and running on a C-64, I'm not sure that the game play,
    itself, will be fun or enjoyable. I don't believe it will mark a "new standard in C64 gaming" since it will need a SuperCPU, therefore,
    locking out a majority of users.

    Personally, I'd like to see a modern games competition where different
    gaming categories are established and teams develop the best possible
    game on, at least, a stock C-64. Prize money can be awarded
    accordingly. I believe this would "spark" the C-64 community more so
    than rally behind a single title that will produce marginal results regardless of the programmer's skills.

    Personally, I'd like to see what can be done on a C-64 using modern
    tools, greater knowledge of the platform, etc. Can we take some of the
    best games on the C-64 and make them even better? Can we create better sequels to some of these games? Can we combine ideas from our
    favorites and create something totally new?

    For example, can we build a new and improved Maniac Mansion? How about California Games with more events? What about taking Mars Saga and
    turning it into a side scroller? A Bard's Tale created in The Lord of
    the Rings universe? Taking Bruce Lee and making it into a game that's graphically similar to The Last Ninja? How about Paradroid with
    improve graphics and all the ships are actually different? I'm just
    throwing out ideas and I have no idea what the legal implications
    would be but I find these more compelling than a C-64 version of Doom.


    I'd rather see games like EYE OF THE BEHOLDER (SSI D&D role playing game),DUNGEONMASTER (not the D&D utility,it's a game simular to EYE
    OF...),or an update of GATEWAY TO APSHAI.
    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From mikec_cbm@mikec_cbm@hotmail.com (mikec) to comp.sys.cbm on Sunday, January 25, 2004 19:07:15
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.cbm

    Hi Keith,

    I'd rather see games like EYE OF THE BEHOLDER (SSI D&D role playing game),DUNGEONMASTER (not the D&D utility,it's a game simular to EYE
    OF...),or an update of GATEWAY TO APSHAI.

    That's a good call! Personally, I wasn't really into RPG's but I
    definitely loved the Temple of Apshai Trilogy. It made the genre
    accessible to a lot of people, like myself.

    Which reminds me, a friend of mine, that was totally into RPG's,
    always complained how the Wizardry series was never completely ported
    over to the C-64. I think only Wizardry I made it to the C-64 while
    the Apple had versions Wizardry I to V. This might be an interesting
    port. Compare the Apple II to the C-64 version and it's just night and

    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From Bulldog@areed@bulldogcomputers.net to comp.sys.cbm on Sunday, January 25, 2004 23:20:55
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.cbm

    "mikec" <mikec_cbm@hotmail.com> wrote in message news:1121cdb3.0401251907.5c3c3f54@posting.google.com...
    Hi Keith,

    I'd rather see games like EYE OF THE BEHOLDER (SSI D&D role playing game),DUNGEONMASTER (not the D&D utility,it's a game simular to EYE OF...),or an update of GATEWAY TO APSHAI.

    That's a good call! Personally, I wasn't really into RPG's but I
    definitely loved the Temple of Apshai Trilogy. It made the genre
    accessible to a lot of people, like myself.

    Which reminds me, a friend of mine, that was totally into RPG's,
    always complained how the Wizardry series was never completely ported
    over to the C-64. I think only Wizardry I made it to the C-64 while
    the Apple had versions Wizardry I to V. This might be an interesting
    port. Compare the Apple II to the C-64 version and it's just night and


    How about a machine language version of Telengard? That was a great game,
    but so slow due to it being in BASIC. Weren't the Apshai games BASIC too?

    On the whole Doom64 thing, I agree that most people would be more interested
    in a new game using a stock 64, or an update or addition to an old classic. Wolfenstein is an interesting idea. Doom is just a pipe dream. I hear
    people saying they'll be happy as long as it's 'as good as possible.' That can mean anything. Let's have VICDoom...as long as it's as good as possible....

    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113