Re: Past programming Languages
By: Pbmountaincat to All on Thu Sep 17 2009 16:16:15
In the category of 'other', what other types of programming languages not mentioned in other areas you have programmed in?
Just yesterday I started looking into Objective-C. The reason is that I've wanted to look into developing software for the iPhone platform, which uses Objective-C as its native programming language.
I find it interesting that Objective-C was another language (besides C++) that was designed to add classes on top of the C language, and that Objective-C continues to be used mainly only on the Macintosh and iPhone platforms. Things I've heard about Objective-C make it sound superior to C++ in some ways, even though C++ became the dominant object-oriented language in the late 80s through the early 2000s.
As a newcomer to Objective-C, the language seems to have a very odd syntax for declaring classes and calling object methods/functions (which in Objective-C parlance is more accurately called "sending a message"). For instance, if you have a class called Fraction, declaring an instance of it and calling methods on that instance would look something like this:
Fraction *frac = [[Fraction alloc] init];
[frac setNumerator: 1];
[frac setDenominator: 3];
The syntax seems a bit bizzare to me, but I guess it's one of those things you get used to as you use the language..
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