• Removing lilo

    From Andrew Falanga@andy@spam.me.not to comp.os.ms-windows.misc on Sunday, July 20, 2003 20:23:42
    From Newsgroup: comp.os.ms-windows.misc


    Tonight I removed an old linux partition from a drive that was shared
    with Windows 98. All was well, until after I deleted the old partition
    and recreated an extended DOS patition for Windows. The creation went
    fine, and it even rebooted ok and I was able to reformat under Windows.
    However, after switching the swap space to the D: drive (I've not much
    room left on C:) the computer hangs on bootup at the old Lilo prompt.

    ONly now, the lilo prompt only says li. What's up and how do I fix it?


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  • From John Thompson@john@starfleet.os2.us to comp.os.ms-windows.misc on Monday, July 21, 2003 05:12:53
    From Newsgroup: comp.os.ms-windows.misc

    In article <3F1B4EAE.9010102@spam.me.not>, Andrew Falanga wrote:

    Tonight I removed an old linux partition from a drive that was shared
    with Windows 98. All was well, until after I deleted the old partition
    and recreated an extended DOS patition for Windows. The creation went
    fine, and it even rebooted ok and I was able to reformat under Windows.
    However, after switching the swap space to the D: drive (I've not much room left on C:) the computer hangs on bootup at the old Lilo prompt.

    ONly now, the lilo prompt only says li. What's up and how do I fix it?

    Next time, just use "lilo -u" from linux before you delete the linux filesystems. That will remove lilo and restore the original master
    boot record (MBR). Since that's apparently not an option anymore, you'll
    have to restore a generic boot loader using "fdisk /mbr" from a DOS boot diskette.

    If the original boot record was a generic Win/DOS boot record, you
    shouldn't have any problems after this. If it was a modified boot record
    of some kind, you'll have to figure out what's missing and reinstall it to
    the boot record.


    -John (JohnThompson@new.rr.com)
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