• MDTUtil, a simple tool for manipulating MicroDrive/Turbo CF cards

    From bobbi.8bit@bobbi.8bit@gmail.com to comp.sys.apple2 on Wednesday, March 17, 2021 19:44:00
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Hi everyone,

    I just created a simple tool (in Python) for manipulating CF card images
    used by the Reactive Micro MicroDrive/Turbo disk controller card.

    It can perform three functions:

    1) Given a set of .po partition images, create an image with a partition
    table and all the partitions, ready to copy to the CF card. The partition
    table is computed automatically based on the sizes of the .po disk images.

    2) Given a CF card image, 'explode' all the individual partitions into .po files.

    3) Given a CF card image, display the partition table and geometry.

    It can be found here: https://github.com/bobbimanners/mdttool

    I hope you find it useful! Please submit any bug reports on Github

    All the best,

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