• duke nukem1 lores platformer demake

    From vince@vince@pianoman.cluster.toy to comp.sys.apple2 on Wednesday, December 16, 2020 21:08:27
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Made another demake, this time the old EGA Duke Nukem1 game.

    In lo-res, as always, as it's so much easier to code for.



    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From kegs@kegs@provalid.com (Kent Dickey) to comp.sys.apple2 on Tuesday, January 05, 2021 21:40:35
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    In article <slrnrtktqb.6t7.vince@pianoman.cluster.toy>,
    <vince@pianoman.cluster.toy> wrote:
    Made another demake, this time the old EGA Duke Nukem1 game.

    In lo-res, as always, as it's so much easier to code for.




    I like the graphics. I'm not really able to use the controls very well,
    but that may be a "me" problem.

    The link from the website to the github page isn't right, you've
    rearranged things so it's at: https://github.com/deater/dos33fsprogs/blob/master/games/duke/

    The github makes it seem like you use a Mockingboard, but I could not seem
    to detect the code even accessing $C400-$C4FF, let alone trying to play

    Also, when I run it on KEGS as a IIgs emulator, the disk tries to move the arm past track 35 and the game doesn't load. But when I run KEGS as a IIe emulator, it works fine. I haven't tried to look into what's going wrong yet.

    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From vince@vince@pianoman.cluster.toy to comp.sys.apple2 on Wednesday, January 13, 2021 03:20:34
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    On 2021-01-06, Kent Dickey <kegs@provalid.com> wrote:

    I like the graphics. I'm not really able to use the controls very well,
    but that may be a "me" problem.

    yes, sorry, the controls are tough to use.
    Apple II keyboard controls are a pain, since you don't get keydown/keyup events. I was doing my best to match the feel of the DOS Duke Nukem game
    where you can jump while running, and change direction while jumping but
    it makes it a bit hard to control.

    The github makes it seem like you use a Mockingboard, but I could not seem
    to detect the code even accessing $C400-$C4FF, let alone trying to play music.

    it only plays mockingborad music in the "bonus" level you get to after
    beating level 1.

    Also, when I run it on KEGS as a IIgs emulator, the disk tries to move the arm
    past track 35 and the game doesn't load. But when I run KEGS as a IIe emulator, it works fine. I haven't tried to look into what's going wrong yet.

    that's odd. I'm using qkumbas fast rwts code which as far as I know should work on IIgs, but I haven't tested there. I usually only test on II+/IIe.

    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From kegs@kegs@provalid.com (Kent Dickey) to comp.sys.apple2 on Friday, June 25, 2021 20:51:08
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    In article <slrnrvspo2.hsk.vince@pianoman.cluster.toy>,
    <vince@pianoman.cluster.toy> wrote:
    On 2021-01-06, Kent Dickey <kegs@provalid.com> wrote:

    I like the graphics. I'm not really able to use the controls very well,
    but that may be a "me" problem.

    yes, sorry, the controls are tough to use.
    Apple II keyboard controls are a pain, since you don't get keydown/keyup >events. I was doing my best to match the feel of the DOS Duke Nukem game >where you can jump while running, and change direction while jumping but
    it makes it a bit hard to control.

    It's possible to tell if a key is being pressed on any Apple II. You read $C010, and if the high-order bit is set, some key is being pressed.
    Reading $C010 does clear the MSB of $C000, so you have to rely on the low
    7 bits of $C000 to tell you what the key was.

    You can call this as often as you like:

    GETKEY LDA $C000
    BIT $C010
    ORA #$80

    GETKEY returns with the MSB set if that key either was just pressed, or
    is being continuously pressed.

    The github makes it seem like you use a Mockingboard, but I could not seem >> to detect the code even accessing $C400-$C4FF, let alone trying to play

    it only plays mockingborad music in the "bonus" level you get to after >beating level 1.

    Also, when I run it on KEGS as a IIgs emulator, the disk tries to move the arm
    past track 35 and the game doesn't load. But when I run KEGS as a IIe
    emulator, it works fine. I haven't tried to look into what's going wrong yet.

    that's odd. I'm using qkumbas fast rwts code which as far as I know should >work on IIgs, but I haven't tested there. I usually only test on II+/IIe.


    I'm not sure what the disk arm problem was, I cannot reproduce it, so it was probably just my fault.

    I'm able to hear the Mockingboard music by pressing ESC to quit, then Y, then the bonus level begins. However, if I then press ESC then Y from the bonus level, then sometimes the Mockingboard starts playing a constant tone. And as a IIgs emulator, the game crashes at this point.

    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From Brian Patrie@bpatrie@bellsouth.spamisicky.net to comp.sys.apple2 on Sunday, June 27, 2021 02:22:33
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Kent Dickey wrote:
    It's possible to tell if a key is being pressed on any Apple II.
    You read $C010, and if the high-order bit is set, some key is being
    pressed. Reading $C010 does clear the MSB of $C000, so you have to
    rely on the low 7 bits of $C000 to tell you what the key was.

    Only on the IIe and later--not the II,II+.
    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From kegs@kegs@provalid.com (Kent Dickey) to comp.sys.apple2 on Sunday, June 27, 2021 09:54:43
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    In article <sb98vp$1hqk$1@gioia.aioe.org>,
    Brian Patrie <bpatrie@bellsouth.spamisicky.net> wrote:
    Kent Dickey wrote:
    It's possible to tell if a key is being pressed on any Apple II.
    You read $C010, and if the high-order bit is set, some key is being pressed. Reading $C010 does clear the MSB of $C000, so you have to
    rely on the low 7 bits of $C000 to tell you what the key was.

    Only on the IIe and later--not the II,II+.

    I didn't know that. Thanks.

    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From Oliver Schmidt@ol.sc@web.de to comp.sys.apple2 on Sunday, June 27, 2021 22:42:18
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2


    It's possible to tell if a key is being pressed on any Apple II. [...]

    Only on the IIe and later--not the II,II+.

    I didn't know that.

    I only learned it when reading http://michaeljmahon.com/RTSynth.html that

    "Since the "Any Key Down" keyboard sensing capability is required to permit natural musical performance, RT.SYNTH is limited to operation on Apple //e, Apple //c (and //c+), and Apple IIgs systems."


    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113