• Surf the web on the Apple II ????

    From Paul Schlyter@pausch.DO.NOT.SPAM.ME@stockholm.bostream.se to comp.sys.apple2 on Monday, July 14, 2003 14:31:42
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    To get web access on the Apple II, the usual way is to run a terminal
    program and then dial up to some shell account.

    However, there now is a TCP/IP stack, telnet client and minimal
    web browser available for the 6502, with source, at:


    Currently, the Contiki environment (which includes TCP/IP,
    Telnet, HTTP, HTML) runs on the Commodore 64, but it's written
    in a way such that it should be easy to port to other 6502-based
    environments (VIC-20, 8-bit Nintendo consoles, Atari, Apple II,

    Paul Schlyter, Grev Turegatan 40, SE-114 38 Stockholm, SWEDEN
    e-mail: pausch at stockholm dot bostream dot se
    WWW: http://www.stjarnhimlen.se/
    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From Ernest@leucoplast@seanet.NOSPAM.com to comp.sys.apple2 on Monday, July 14, 2003 16:41:26
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    "Paul Schlyter" <pausch.DO.NOT.SPAM.ME@stockholm.bostream.se> wrote in
    message news:3F12A2AE.251DF7BE@stockholm.bostream.se...

    To get web access on the Apple II, the usual way is to run a terminal
    program and then dial up to some shell account.

    However, there now is a TCP/IP stack, telnet client and minimal
    web browser available for the 6502, with source, at:


    Currently, the Contiki environment (which includes TCP/IP,
    Telnet, HTTP, HTML) runs on the Commodore 64, but it's written
    in a way such that it should be easy to port to other 6502-based
    environments (VIC-20, 8-bit Nintendo consoles, Atari, Apple II,

    I guess that's the theory but it hasn't happened yet. It doesn't seem to be THAT easy to port or someone would have done it by now.

    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113