• Re: Apple II keyboard

    From Patrick Schaefer@PSchaefer@epost.de to comp.sys.apple2 on Monday, July 14, 2003 18:14:54
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    meeks schrieb:

    Which are the chips that I have to change on the motherboard?

    Video and Keyboard matrix ROM.

    I have tried to change the keyboards rom but the computer it keeps on visualizing the characters of the original keyboard.

    The keyboard ROM does the key mapping (which key generates which ASCII
    code), the Video ROM holds the character image for each ASCII code.

    I have also tried to change the video rom, but without success.

    But this was the correct way. Replacing both ROMs with the french
    versions should work.

    Did you check the position of the US/foreign switch on the bottom of the computer? If you get ]|[ instead of ÄÖÜ or éèá then it is in the wrong position.

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