• Building an Apple II from scratch

    From great_hierophant@great_hierophant@hotmail.com (Great Hierophant) to comp.sys.apple2 on Monday, July 14, 2003 16:57:21
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Yesterday, I took a look at the circuit diagrams and schematics of an
    Apple II found in the Apple II Reference Manual (the Red Book.) I was
    struck with the number of components used, but also with their
    commonality. In an original Apple II, there does not seem to be any
    custom chips or devices, unlike the later Apple IIes and IIcs. Most
    of the Apple II/II+ seems composed of standard TTL logic chips. The
    6502 CPU can be found. The ROM, all 12-16KB of it, can easily fit on
    one EPROM. 48KB of DRAM can be done with two chips. The connectors
    are probably standard. Of course, one does not have to build a power
    supply and can use an Apple II keyboard. So, has anybody ever
    constructed an Apple II mainboard in the way I have described?

    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From Bill Norcross@bnorcross@houston.rr.com to comp.sys.apple2 on Tuesday, July 15, 2003 01:30:33
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Nearly 20 years ago several friends and wirewrapped quite a number of
    Apple ][+s. Of course we used the same chips as Apple did but it would
    be a good project. The circuits timings would probably be the critical
    part. In our experiments the chip types LS, S and so on were required
    in the correct positions.


    On 14 Jul 2003 16:57:21 -0700, great_hierophant@hotmail.com (Great
    Hierophant) wrote:

    Yesterday, I took a look at the circuit diagrams and schematics of an
    Apple II found in the Apple II Reference Manual (the Red Book.) I was
    struck with the number of components used, but also with their
    commonality. In an original Apple II, there does not seem to be any
    custom chips or devices, unlike the later Apple IIes and IIcs. Most
    of the Apple II/II+ seems composed of standard TTL logic chips. The
    6502 CPU can be found. The ROM, all 12-16KB of it, can easily fit on
    one EPROM. 48KB of DRAM can be done with two chips. The connectors
    are probably standard. Of course, one does not have to build a power
    supply and can use an Apple II keyboard. So, has anybody ever
    constructed an Apple II mainboard in the way I have described?


    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From mjmahon@mjmahon@aol.com (Michael J. Mahon) to comp.sys.apple2 on Tuesday, July 15, 2003 06:48:34
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Great Hierophant observed:

    Yesterday, I took a look at the circuit diagrams and schematics of an
    Apple II found in the Apple II Reference Manual (the Red Book.) I was
    struck with the number of components used, but also with their
    commonality. In an original Apple II, there does not seem to be any
    custom chips or devices, unlike the later Apple IIes and IIcs. Most
    of the Apple II/II+ seems composed of standard TTL logic chips. The
    6502 CPU can be found. The ROM, all 12-16KB of it, can easily fit on
    one EPROM. 48KB of DRAM can be done with two chips. The connectors
    are probably standard. Of course, one does not have to build a power
    supply and can use an Apple II keyboard. So, has anybody ever
    constructed an Apple II mainboard in the way I have described?

    Steve Wozniak worked at HP Laboratories, and the Apple II was
    constructed from parts available from lab stock (with the exception
    of the 6502 itself).

    HP at that time encouraged engineers to engage in projects on
    their own time, and happily supplied the parts. Very enlightened.

    The result is that the Apple ][ and ][+ are easily constructed from
    stock parts, and many were built like this in the early days, when
    $1200 was a little steep for a device with $200 worth of parts. ;-)


    Check out amazing quality 8-bit Apple sound on my
    Home page: http://members.aol.com/MJMahon/
    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From steve@steve@dosius.zzn.com (Dosius) to comp.sys.apple2 on Tuesday, July 15, 2003 03:06:59
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    mjmahon@aol.com (Michael J. Mahon) wrote in message news:<20030715024834.02823.00000128@mb-m02.aol.com>...
    Great Hierophant observed:

    Yesterday, I took a look at the circuit diagrams and schematics of an
    Apple II found in the Apple II Reference Manual (the Red Book.) I was >struck with the number of components used, but also with their
    commonality. In an original Apple II, there does not seem to be any
    custom chips or devices, unlike the later Apple IIes and IIcs. Most
    of the Apple II/II+ seems composed of standard TTL logic chips. The
    6502 CPU can be found. The ROM, all 12-16KB of it, can easily fit on
    one EPROM. 48KB of DRAM can be done with two chips. The connectors
    are probably standard. Of course, one does not have to build a power >supply and can use an Apple II keyboard. So, has anybody ever
    constructed an Apple II mainboard in the way I have described?

    Steve Wozniak worked at HP Laboratories, and the Apple II was
    constructed from parts available from lab stock (with the exception
    of the 6502 itself).

    HP at that time encouraged engineers to engage in projects on
    their own time, and happily supplied the parts. Very enlightened.

    The result is that the Apple ][ and ][+ are easily constructed from
    stock parts, and many were built like this in the early days, when
    $1200 was a little steep for a device with $200 worth of parts. ;-)


    Check out amazing quality 8-bit Apple sound on my
    Home page: http://members.aol.com/MJMahon/

    LOL, I once suggested to someone the possibility of building a 48K
    Apple ][+ with a PS/2 keyboard port and disk ][ emulation into a
    Commodore 1541 disk drive (also 6502-driven). :)

    I wonder if it would be possible...

    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From Ernest@leucoplast@seanet.NOSPAM.com to comp.sys.apple2 on Tuesday, July 15, 2003 11:32:59
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    "Dosius" <steve@dosius.zzn.com> wrote

    LOL, I once suggested to someone the possibility of building a 48K
    Apple ][+ with a PS/2 keyboard port and disk ][ emulation into a
    Commodore 1541 disk drive (also 6502-driven). :)

    I wonder if it would be possible...

    I thought it would be kind of cool to build a tiny Apple II using the fewest number of modern chips, modern connection ports, and with everything "built
    in" -sort of like that new Commodore One system, which is for sale now BTW. That Jeri Ellsworth is kinda cute, too.



    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Michael_J=2E_Sch=FClke?=@news0307@mjschuelke.de to comp.sys.apple2 on Tuesday, July 15, 2003 13:45:41
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Ernest wrote:

    I thought it would be kind of cool to build a tiny Apple II using the fewest number of modern chips, modern connection ports, and with everything "built in" -sort of like that new Commodore One system, which is for sale now BTW.

    Errm... Where? AFAIK, shipping the boards has been delayed until the
    cores are (somewhat) finished.

    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From Michael Pender@mpender@hotmail.com to comp.sys.apple2 on Tuesday, July 15, 2003 12:55:28
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Ernest <leucoplast@seanet.NOSPAM.com> wrote in message news:LDRQa.57836$wk6.14226@rwcrnsc52.ops.asp.att.net...

    I thought it would be kind of cool to build a tiny Apple II using the
    number of modern chips, modern connection ports, and with everything
    in" -sort of like that new Commodore One system, which is for sale now
    That Jeri Ellsworth is kinda cute, too.

    I expect that all of the TTL latches and glue logic could be incorporated
    into a single PLA/PLD by now, but the 6502/65816 core probably still
    requires a chip all by itself. The most efficient design would probably require 4-5 chips including:
    - PLA or PLD for glue logic and latches
    - CPU (e.g. 65816)
    - Memory module (e.g. an 8 Meg SIMM)
    - 1 or 2 analog interface chips

    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From et472@et472@FreeNet.Carleton.CA (Michael Black) to comp.sys.apple2 on Tuesday, July 15, 2003 14:15:39
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Dosius (steve@dosius.zzn.com) writes:
    mjmahon@aol.com (Michael J. Mahon) wrote in message news:<20030715024834.02823.00000128@mb-m02.aol.com>...
    Great Hierophant observed:

    Yesterday, I took a look at the circuit diagrams and schematics of an
    Apple II found in the Apple II Reference Manual (the Red Book.) I was
    struck with the number of components used, but also with their
    commonality. In an original Apple II, there does not seem to be any
    custom chips or devices, unlike the later Apple IIes and IIcs. Most
    of the Apple II/II+ seems composed of standard TTL logic chips. The
    6502 CPU can be found. The ROM, all 12-16KB of it, can easily fit on
    one EPROM. 48KB of DRAM can be done with two chips. The connectors
    are probably standard. Of course, one does not have to build a power
    supply and can use an Apple II keyboard. So, has anybody ever
    constructed an Apple II mainboard in the way I have described?

    Steve Wozniak worked at HP Laboratories, and the Apple II was
    constructed from parts available from lab stock (with the exception
    of the 6502 itself).

    HP at that time encouraged engineers to engage in projects on
    their own time, and happily supplied the parts. Very enlightened.

    The result is that the Apple ][ and ][+ are easily constructed from
    stock parts, and many were built like this in the early days, when
    $1200 was a little steep for a device with $200 worth of parts. ;-)


    Check out amazing quality 8-bit Apple sound on my
    Home page: http://members.aol.com/MJMahon/

    LOL, I once suggested to someone the possibility of building a 48K
    Apple ][+ with a PS/2 keyboard port and disk ][ emulation into a
    Commodore 1541 disk drive (also 6502-driven). :)

    I wonder if it would be possible...

    I doubt it. I'm pretty sure the "6502" in that drive is one of
    the stunted ones, which don't have all the 16 address lines coming out
    of it. I can't remember if I read that somewhere, or saw it directly.

    It also has limited memory. And since one of the Apple II's claim to
    faims is the nifty arrangement for refreshing RAM and displaying characters
    on a screen with the same circuitry, terribly extensive work would have
    to be done to add that to an existing 6502 board.

    In other words, it would be easier to start from scratch than to try
    to make an Apple II out of an existing 6502 board.


    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From obsbedia2@obsbedia2@aol.com (Obsbedia2) to comp.sys.apple2 on Wednesday, July 16, 2003 16:46:27
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    << You should be able to program the entire thing into one of the larger FPGA chips available at the moment, or at least 90% of the logic.

    About the same as pulling the //e chip from the IIGS?
    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From Patrick Schaefer@PSchaefer@epost.de to comp.sys.apple2 on Wednesday, July 16, 2003 21:12:30
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Michael Pender schrieb:

    I expect that all of the TTL latches and glue logic could be incorporated into a single PLA/PLD by now, but the 6502/65816 core probably still
    requires a chip all by itself.

    Many 6502 ("RISC") cores are available as VHDL code for free. You can
    build an Apple II system using a few FPGA chips plus memory. If you want
    to pay for a 'real' ASIC, SRAM and flash ROM can be included, too. This
    would allow you to build a single-chip apple.


    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113