• Problem of Pasting in Contribute on Mac

    From xingqun@xingqun@gmail.com (Lance) to comp.sys.apple2 on Monday, October 04, 2004 21:18:55
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Hi, We developed a flash file which generates a simple piece of
    Javascript code for user. The following is an example of the generated
    code(you don't need to read into it):

    javascript:if(x5831990940 && !x5831990940.closed){
    x5831990940.focus(); }else{ var x5831990940=window.open('http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/biomi290/microscopycases/biofilm/CHLORINE.htm','5831990940',
    'width=600, height=600, toolbar=no, scrollbars=no, location=no,
    statusbar=no, menubar=no, resizable=no');}

    However, when we tried to copy this code and added it as a link in
    Contribute, it lost some of the code at the end and looked like
    following :

    javascript:if(x5527333203 && !x5527333203.closed){
    x5527333203.focus(); }else{ var x5527333203=window.open('http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/biomi290/microscopycases/biofilm/CHLORINE.htm','5527333203',
    'width=600, height=600, toolbar=no, scrollbar

    We also tried pasting the code in Word and Notepad, but they worked
    fine, having all the code pasted. So our understanding is that pasting
    such a string in Contribute seems having some problem, maybe hitting
    the string length limit? We also need to tell, this only happens on
    Mac computer, PC machines do pasting fine.

    We are seeking the solution to this problem, if you have any ideas,
    please help. We appreciate greatly.

    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From Paul R. Santa-Maria@paulrsm@buckeye-express.com to comp.sys.apple2 on Tuesday, October 05, 2004 01:33:37
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Lance wrote:

    Hi, We developed a flash file which generates a simple piece of
    Javascript code for user. The following is an example of the generated code(you don't need to read into it):

    javascript:if(x5831990940 && !x5831990940.closed){
    x5831990940.focus(); }else{ var x5831990940=window.open('http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/biomi290/microscopycases/biofilm/CHLORINE.htm','5831990940',
    'width=600, height=600, toolbar=no, scrollbars=no, location=no,
    statusbar=no, menubar=no, resizable=no');}

    However, when we tried to copy this code and added it as a link in Contribute, it lost some of the code at the end and looked like
    following :

    javascript:if(x5527333203 && !x5527333203.closed){
    x5527333203.focus(); }else{ var x5527333203=window.open('http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/biomi290/microscopycases/biofilm/CHLORINE.htm','5527333203',
    'width=600, height=600, toolbar=no, scrollbar

    We also tried pasting the code in Word and Notepad, but they worked
    fine, having all the code pasted. So our understanding is that pasting
    such a string in Contribute seems having some problem, maybe hitting
    the string length limit? We also need to tell, this only happens on
    Mac computer, PC machines do pasting fine.

    We are seeking the solution to this problem, if you have any ideas,
    please help. We appreciate greatly.


    Have you checked the bogusity bit of the handle attribute
    using tool #7EE under Chromium? If the bit value is three
    or more then the PasteTextInJavaScript call will only
    handle up to 256 characters.

    Paul R. Santa-Maria
    Monroe, Michigan USA
    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From mjmahon@mjmahon@aol.com (Michael J. Mahon) to comp.sys.apple2 on Tuesday, October 05, 2004 14:58:35
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Paul R. Santa-Maria wrote:

    Lance wrote:

    Hi, We developed a flash file which generates a simple piece of
    Javascript code for user. The following is an example of the generated
    code(you don't need to read into it):

    javascript:if(x5831990940 && !x5831990940.closed){
    x5831990940.focus(); }else{ var

    x5831990940=window.open('http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/biomi29 0/microscopycases/biofilm/CHLORINE.htm','5831990940',
    'width=600, height=600, toolbar=no, scrollbars=no, location=no,
    statusbar=no, menubar=no, resizable=no');}

    However, when we tried to copy this code and added it as a link in
    Contribute, it lost some of the code at the end and looked like
    following :

    javascript:if(x5527333203 && !x5527333203.closed){
    x5527333203.focus(); }else{ var

    x5527333203=window.open('http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/biomi29 0/microscopycases/biofilm/CHLORINE.htm','5527333203',
    'width=600, height=600, toolbar=no, scrollbar

    We also tried pasting the code in Word and Notepad, but they worked
    fine, having all the code pasted. So our understanding is that pasting
    such a string in Contribute seems having some problem, maybe hitting
    the string length limit? We also need to tell, this only happens on
    Mac computer, PC machines do pasting fine.

    We are seeking the solution to this problem, if you have any ideas,
    please help. We appreciate greatly.


    Have you checked the bogusity bit of the handle attribute
    using tool #7EE under Chromium? If the bit value is three
    or more then the PasteTextInJavaScript call will only
    handle up to 256 characters.



    Check out parallel computing for 8-bit Apples on my
    Home page: http://members.aol.com/MJMahon/
    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From julian814@julian814@hotmail.com (Ralph Glatt) to comp.sys.apple2 on Tuesday, October 05, 2004 14:10:08
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    xingqun@gmail.com (Lance) wrote in message news:<5079c811.0410042018.36bb992f@posting.google.com>...
    Hi, We developed a flash file which generates a simple piece of
    Javascript code for user. The following is an example of the generated code(you don't need to read into it):

    javascript:if(x5831990940 && !x5831990940.closed){
    x5831990940.focus(); }else{ var x5831990940=window.open('http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/biomi290/microscopycases/biofilm/CHLORINE.htm','5831990940',
    'width=600, height=600, toolbar=no, scrollbars=no, location=no,
    statusbar=no, menubar=no, resizable=no');}

    However, when we tried to copy this code and added it as a link in Contribute, it lost some of the code at the end and looked like
    following :

    javascript:if(x5527333203 && !x5527333203.closed){
    x5527333203.focus(); }else{ var x5527333203=window.open('http://instruct1.cit.cornell.edu/courses/biomi290/microscopycases/biofilm/CHLORINE.htm','5527333203',
    'width=600, height=600, toolbar=no, scrollbar

    We also tried pasting the code in Word and Notepad, but they worked
    fine, having all the code pasted. So our understanding is that pasting
    such a string in Contribute seems having some problem, maybe hitting
    the string length limit? We also need to tell, this only happens on
    Mac computer, PC machines do pasting fine.

    We are seeking the solution to this problem, if you have any ideas,
    please help. We appreciate greatly.

    Here's an idea - try posting this in one of the comp.sys.mac
    newsgroups, where it belongs. This forum is for the Apple // series
    computer, which came out before the Mac, and funded research for it.

    Ralph Glatt
    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113