• 6502 Programming Is Not Interested?

    From Bryan Parkoff@spam to comp.sys.apple2 on Monday, July 07, 2003 13:34:40
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    I have noticed that a lot of programmers are not interested to program
    6502 anymore. They move to program on Intel and PowerPC and other
    processors. Please advise.

    Bryan Parkoff

    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From mjmahon@mjmahon@aol.com (Michael J. Mahon) to comp.sys.apple2 on Monday, July 07, 2003 20:06:21
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Bryan Parkoff wrote:

    I have noticed that a lot of programmers are not interested to program
    6502 anymore. They move to program on Intel and PowerPC and other >processors. Please advise.

    Actually, interest in the 6502 has been falling off pretty constantly
    for almost two decades, if you are just counting.

    The people who remain interested are usually interested because
    they enjoy solving problems in a resource-constrained environment--
    kind of like solving puzzles, only more creative. ;-)

    If you hunger for more megabytes of RAM, and fashioning "solutions"
    by grafting two or three 8MB programs together to do something that
    could be done in 24KB at 1/500th the clock speed, then the mainline
    platforms are your thing... ;-)

    The age of art and craft in programming is over, except for a few
    stawarts who work by night. Market pressure has ensured the
    victory of the "cobble it together in a hurry" crowd.

    As I have always said, "Quick and dirty is never quick, but
    always dirty."


    Check out amazing quality 8-bit Apple sound on my
    Home page: http://members.aol.com/MJMahon/
    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From Exegete@millers@noneofyourbusiness.com to comp.sys.apple2 on Tuesday, July 08, 2003 09:15:31
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Troll bait.
    check www.6502.org and the Delphi discussion group on the 6502.


    Bryan Parkoff wrote:
    I have noticed that a lot of programmers are not interested to program 6502 anymore. They move to program on Intel and PowerPC and other processors. Please advise.

    Bryan Parkoff

    -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
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  • From Bryan Parkoff@spam to comp.sys.apple2 on Tuesday, July 08, 2003 11:37:27
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2


    Troll bait.
    check www.6502.org and the Delphi discussion group on the 6502.

    Look at me. Nobody call me troll bait. Stop flaming on the newsgroups. Please respect me and others since we want to discuss friendly on the newsgroups.
    I am saying the fact is that most people begin to stop be interested programming on 6502. It is the fact because we always concentrate on the
    new processor like Intel Pentium 4 and other type of processors in order to
    use new devices like DVD etc.
    I continue to support 6502 as long as I can since I have posted several messages on the newsgroups. You may realize that 6502 is very close to
    RISC. I intent to create 65832 and 65864 Simulator and Emulator project
    soon that it will be compatible to 65816, 65C02, and 6502.
    Please ask a question -- Why do Western Design Center continue to manufacture 65C02 and 65816 CPUs? It is because of medical's needs. They already manufactured 65832 CPU, but it is not in production for public. I
    have asked WDC to continue producing 65832 that supports 4GB of memory
    instead of 16MB of memory for limitation, but they are not willing to
    produce. It is why my own manufacturer will license WDC in order to produce 65832 and 65864 near the future. I am sure that WDC will win over Intel
    since 65832 will be designed to use RISC that does not need CISC
    instructions in order to save many cycles.

    Bryan Parkoff

    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From =?ISO-8859-15?Q?Michael_J=2E_Sch=FClke?=@news0307@mjschuelke.de to comp.sys.apple2 on Tuesday, July 08, 2003 20:40:48
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2


    Look at me.

    Errm... How? Usenet is text-only, you know ;-)

    I am saying the fact is that most people begin to stop be interested programming on 6502.

    Most people have never been interested in programming, let alone in programming the 6502. And even those who once were have been moving away
    from the platform for almost 20 years, ever since inexpensive 68000
    systems became available. Even in embedded systems, the 6502 is a rare
    beast, compared to the multitude of 8051 derivates, PICs and
    AVRs/ATmegas. The only 'classic' 8-bit MPU that is still somewhat
    popular with embedded developers is the Z80.

    It is the fact because we always concentrate on the
    new processor like Intel Pentium 4 and other type of processors in order to use new devices like DVD etc.

    Now that's a strange combination -- you wouldn't use a P4 for a DVD
    player. You'd use a suitable DSP with a simple microcontroller.

    Please ask a question -- Why do Western Design Center continue to manufacture 65C02 and 65816 CPUs? It is because of medical's needs.

    You mean the 6502 being used in medical istruments? What's your source
    for that?

    already manufactured 65832 CPU, but it is not in production for public. I have asked WDC to continue producing 65832 that supports 4GB of memory instead of 16MB of memory for limitation, but they are not willing to produce. It is why my own manufacturer will license WDC in order to produce 65832 and 65864 near the future. I am sure that WDC will win over Intel since 65832 will be designed to use RISC that does not need CISC
    instructions in order to save many cycles.

    Excuse me, but even the 65832 is at least 15 years behind the current processor technology (no matter what manufacturer) in terms of raw
    computing power...


    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From Exegete@millers@noneofyourbusiness.com to comp.sys.apple2 on Tuesday, July 08, 2003 17:41:27
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    Bryan Parkoff wrote:

    Troll bait.
    check www.6502.org and the Delphi discussion group on the 6502.

    Look at me. Nobody call me troll bait. Stop flaming on the newsgroups. Please respect me and others since we want to discuss friendly on the newsgroups.
    I am saying the fact is that most people begin to stop be interested programming on 6502. It is the fact because we

    Who is "we"? In English you have just included yourself. So if you
    aren't interested in the 6502, who post it other than to draw flames?

    always concentrate on the
    new processor like Intel Pentium 4 and other type of processors in order to use new devices like DVD etc.
    I continue to support 6502 as long as I can since I have posted several messages on the newsgroups.

    This statement contradicts what you said above.

    You may realize that 6502 is very close to
    RISC. I intent to create 65832 and 65864 Simulator and Emulator project
    soon that it will be compatible to 65816, 65C02, and 6502.
    Please ask a question -- Why do Western Design Center continue to manufacture 65C02 and 65816 CPUs? It is because of medical's needs. They already manufactured 65832 CPU, but it is not in production for public. I have asked WDC to continue producing 65832 that supports 4GB of memory instead of 16MB of memory for limitation, but they are not willing to produce. It is why my own manufacturer will license WDC in order to produce 65832 and 65864 near the future. I am sure that WDC will win over Intel since 65832 will be designed to use RISC that does not need CISC
    instructions in order to save many cycles.

    Then why ask an inflamatory question?

    And if you really know so much, you shouldn't even need to aak the question.

    Michael's answer was dead on. Try reading it - again.


    Bryan Parkoff

    -----= Posted via Newsfeeds.Com, Uncensored Usenet News =----- http://www.newsfeeds.com - The #1 Newsgroup Service in the World!
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  • From steve@steve@dosius.zzn.com (Dosius) to comp.sys.apple2 on Tuesday, July 08, 2003 19:36:42
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    CSA2 HTB
    CSA2 HL

    I hate to say this, but Bryan Parkoff always - in every post - seems
    to come off as either a troll or a kook, I'm not sure which, I just
    wish there were a way to plonk someone on Google... *sigh* I'd have
    to go to using sysr's newsfeed and I prefer a WWW interface.

    AFAICT, there was never a "65832" or "65864". I do know that there is
    a project *I* am working on, tentatively called 81132, which is rather
    like a 64-bit '02, but I have never heard anything beyond '816 from

    Also let's not forget - the Super NES was still being made just a few
    years ago, and it had 65816 for a CPU. And the SuperCPU add-on for
    the Commode 64, that's a 65816. There are machines that use '816s,
    and as long as they exist, I'm sure WDC will keep making '816s.

    6502 forever.

    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113
  • From Sheldon Simms@sheldonsimms@yahoo.com to comp.sys.apple2 on Wednesday, July 09, 2003 07:45:03
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.apple2

    On Tue, 08 Jul 2003 19:36:42 +0000, Dosius wrote:

    I hate to say this, but Bryan Parkoff always - in every post - seems
    to come off as either a troll or a kook, I'm not sure which, I just
    wish there were a way to plonk someone on Google... *sigh* I'd have
    to go to using sysr's newsfeed and I prefer a WWW interface.

    I used Google groups to search for Brian Parkoff's posts to c.s.a2.
    He's been posting here for 5 years and, as far as I could tell, is
    neither a troll nor a kook. His English isn't perfect and he has
    a lot of ideas. I don't see any problem with that.

    --- Synchronet 3.18b-Win32 NewsLink 1.113