• Lt. Kernal info on-line!

    From rbernardo@rbernardo@value.net (Robert Bernardo) to comp.sys.cbm,alt.c64 on Saturday, July 19, 2003 00:38:38
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.cbm

    Need a lot of help with your Lt. Kernal hard drive for the Commodore?
    Well, now you have it! Just go to --


    The opening paragraph of the webpage pretty much says it all:

    "The following series of articles were written to help archive information about the Lt. Kernal (LTK) SCSI Hard Drive system for the Commodore 64 and
    128 computers. I have tried to put together a definitive knowledge base
    that covers the use, maintenance, repair and upgrade of the Lt. Kernal."

    And there are Lt. Kernal utility programs at the site, too!

    Robert Bernardo
    Fresno Commodore User Group
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