From Newsgroup: comp.sys.cbm
We know somewhat about Irongate's policy, but still we don't know
It's not Tulip's job to have a policy in this matter, as far as I can see:
they have given the rights to another company and it's up to them to take action,
or not. Tulip's policy is not to get involved: that's why they needed
another company.
And judging by the hash they made of one press release, seems like a good decision to me.
and it is their trademark which they license development
of to Irongate. Maybe they will try to take over,, or (which only is namenapped so far).
Well, we'll see. I'm optimistic they won't do anything stupid themselves (they've got Dutch hardware companies to do that for them...).
Anyway, the official press release will be ... well.. released soon.
Hold fire for that.
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