From Newsgroup: comp.sys.cbm
Sorry Burt, but they're offering 2 CDs for 15 Euros. No idea what's supposed to be on the second one, the e-mail they sent out said something about a "surprise-pack". Mysterious... ;-)
anyway my point wasn't about how much i offer my cd etc. i can sell it
for $5 bucks for all i care... The point being is that at one point in
time number of people gave scans and other contributions free of charge
- i did several scans, on my own time. I did it b/c i felt it
appropriate and wanted to contribute to the commodore community. I
still have a lot of amiga and commodore material that i have acquired.
Now guess what?
Since there's someone out there that wants to make money from my (and
others) free, goodness of heart acts i see little point to continue to contribute and support the commodore billboard. Not to mention the fact
that i'm not happy about how credit is given to individuals. Not sure
how 15 euros covers bandwidth cost, but it seems like a lot to charge
for cds which cost needless to say a few cents. Well maybe i'm overexaggerating.. This is just my initial reaction... and i've been
known to be wrong... curious what the rest of you think... ;-)
/ __|__ Burt /Terminator / /
/ / |_/ / /
\ \__|_\ Adoring C= 64 / 128 and \ \/ /
\___| Getting into Amiga, too... \/\/
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