• *ANNC* retro themed screen saver available for download

    From *ProteanThread*@sysop at village council dot net to comp.sys.atari.8bit,comp.sys.cbm,comp.sys.sinclair,comp.sys.tandy,comp.sys.ti on Thursday, August 05, 2004 21:55:57
    From Newsgroup: comp.sys.cbm


    its not much (only first version) but its a start (at least as a
    conversation piece). looking to add more screen shots (if anyone wants to contribute, I and the retro community would greatly appreciate it I'm sure)....or maybe someone can help me complete my M.E.S.S. bios rom list
    (where i got most of the screen shots) so that I can work on getting more screen shots of boot screens (see one of my earlier posts).

    next version will include the specific systems where each screen shot is
    from (this one was just for starters).

    comments ? contributions ?


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