From Newsgroup: comp.sys.cbm
On 25/01/2019 17.27, The Society for Preventing Sean Robinson From Ever Escaping His Past wrote:
Sean Robinson, a known scammer, con artist, liar, and thief is once
again making the rounds of the classic arcade, computer, and console communities. Yes, this is the same Sean Robinson who was involved with
the founding of the Commodore Computer Club USA (
The club seems to be active still -- leastaways, the website is getting
regular updates. What was the extent of his involvement with the club?
I'm asking because there are an awful lot of pages on the club's
website that are written in the first person (such as "A lot of people
ask me when I got into the Commodore 64 computer and I tell them it was
around December 1983 because that's when I received my first C64 from my grandparents..." at <> and "For a little background about myself, I’ve been involved with the Commodore 64 computer for over 36 years now, basically since I was a
little kid..." at <>) but
they don't contain any bylines or other information identifying the
author. Is all this material written by Robinson or is it some other
Tristan Miller
Free Software developer, ferret herder, logologist =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
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