From Newsgroup: comp.sys.cbm
Hi folks,
as I just read there's a mass-ordering of NEW 5.25" disks going on at They're ordering it from an American company, so: The more people order disks, the cheaper it gets. I figure this is mainly interesting especially for us Germans, but probably also for people living in the EU or adjacent countries, if you decide to order a high enough quantity to even
out the shipping costs from Germany to your country.
Read more about it here:
(The announcement with the prices)
(Post here to order)
Hope a lot of guys (and girls) will join in, so that a quantity of 20.000
disks can be reached (at which point one disk will cost 0,31 US$. Excluding customs and shipping, I have to add.
Shipping from Germany to EU countries costs approximately 10 Euros, of
course depending on the weight of the parcel.
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